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DON'T TRUST ANYMORE Mozilla! Here is how the company became slave of WEF and NWO... 🙈 If you are studying the world since 2020 you will recognize the paraprasis of these sentences ... "Promoting fact-checking for WhatsApp..." Read here all text and take distances from Mozilla products   Donate   Hello, Elections in India, South Africa, Mexico, and the European Union all take place in the next three months,1 deciding the governments of more than 2 billion people. But the integrity of these elections is under threat, because WhatsApp isn’t doing enough to detect and stop networked disinformation and hate speech on its platform – which can quickly turn into political violence.2 Mozilla's researchers have found that political actors around the world have systematically exploited WhatsApp's broadcasting features in elections over the last five years to reach massive audiences. Closed WhatsApp groups have increasingly been used to share inaccurate political news, incendiary propaganda, hate speech, and conspiracy theories. Unchecked, this content can spread quickly and reach voters at a very large scale, and potentially even threaten the integrity of upcoming elections.3 Mozilla is making an urgent call for WhatsApp – the world's second most popular social network – to implement three simple changes to slow the spread of political disinformation and other harmful content on its platform. Will you add your name to ask WhatsApp to take action to protect elections globally? Tell WhatsApp to immediately take action to update its product to detect and stop networked disinformation, hate speech, and political violence to protect the integrity of upcoming elections around the world. Add Your Name →   We need WhatsApp to act quickly: The first round of voting in India starts on April 19 – less than three weeks from now. Voting in national elections in South Africa, India, and Mexico will end by June 2, with the EU voting the following week. WhatsApp needs to implement these product changes during polling days and in the month before and the month after elections: Add friction to forwarding messages: Reduce the ease with which messages can be forwarded on the platform by adding one additional step which nudges users to pause and reflect before they forward content. Add disinformation warning labels to viral content: Automatically add clear “Highly forwarded: please verify” warning labels to viral messages, in addition to the “forwarded many times” label currently in use. Reduce WhatsApp’s broadcast capabilities: Disable the Communities feature and also limit the size of broadcast lists to 50 people and cap their usage to twice a day. Mozilla’s researchers found that in the Brazilian national elections in 2022, WhatsApp became a mass-broadcast tool where rumors, disinformation, and misleading narratives were spread by malicious actors, with the goal of overturning the actual election results.4 And during the 2019 Indian general elections, political groups built lists of voters that included sensitive information like caste, religion, National ID, and phone numbers, and created targeted WhatsApp groups to send these voters tailored political messages, including political propaganda that included disinformation and hate speech.5 WhatsApp says it is taking these issues seriously, and has imposed some restrictions on message forwarding. But Mozilla's analysis of WhatsApp's election-related plans finds that they aren’t nearly robust or specific enough. In fact, many of their election announcements are effectively copied-and-pasted from what they've said in other countries' elections, even if the safeguards there weren’t sufficient. Without decisive action from WhatsApp, disinformation attacks like these will likely scale up in 2024, manipulating and potentially threatening the integrity of elections affecting half of the world’s population - including the 2 billion people whose countries vote over the next three months.
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The Mozilla community has an important role to play in building public pressure on WhatsApp to make these changes, but there's not much time. Can you add your name asking for WhatsApp to protect elections worldwide? Add your name to call on WhatsApp to immediately implement these product changes to detect and stop networked disinformation and hate speech on its platform before elections take place around the world in the next three months. Add Your Name →   Thank you for all you do for the internet, and to protect elections around the world. Nicholas Piachaud Director, Campaigns Mozilla    More Information: 1. New York Times: International Elections 2024: What You Need to Know. Published March 21, 2024. 2. Mozilla: Platforms, Promises and Politics: A reality check on the pledges platforms make before elections. Written by Odanga Madung and Mozilla Open Source Research & Investigations. Published February 27, 2024. 3. Mozilla: Mozilla’s Elections Casebook: Scrutinizing What Steps Platforms Have Taken to Protect Election Integrity Globally. Written by Becca Ricks, Odanga Madung and Mozilla Open Source Research & Investigations. Published February 27, 2024. 4. Mozilla: Election Manipulation in Brazil's 2022 General Elections. Written by Lori Regattieri and Débora Salles. Published February 27, 2024. 5. Mozilla: Party Politics and WhatsApp Pramukhs: Messaging Platforms and Electoral Integrity in India. Written by Divij Joshi. Published February 27, 2024.     Connect with us        Thanks for reading! You’re receiving this email because you subscribed to Mozilla News. If you no longer want to receive our emails, we’ll understand if you unsubscribe. You can also update your email preferences at any time.     Donate 149 New Montgomery St, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 USA Legal • Privacy
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Notizia scioccante_Il giornale The Expose riporta che gli USA hanno registrato oltre un milione di decessi in eccesso ((rispetto ai consueti)) tra gli ultra sessantacinquenni dopo che la FDA ha "approvato" il vaccino contro il covid-19. CHOQUANT : The Exposé rapporte que les États-Unis ont enregistré plus d'un million de décès excédentaires parmi les plus de 65 ans depuis que la FDA a « approuvé » le vaccin contre le COVID-19. Lisez la suite de ce qu'ils disent via ce lien 👇
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Bill Gates & McDonald’s GMO French Fries: What You Need to Know – Vigilant News Network
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La Russia ha ufficialmente accusato l'Ucraina di coinvolgimento nell'attacco terroristico al Crocus e chiede l'estradizione di tutti i soggetti coinvolti! “Le azioni investigative condotte dalle autorità competenti russe indicano che le tracce degli ultimi attacchi terroristici portano in Ucraina. La Russia ha inviato una richiesta alle autorità ucraine per l’arresto e l’estradizione di tutte le persone coinvolte” Lo afferma il ministero degli Esteri russo. Unisciti a border 2.0
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Come il potere della NATO sta usando il modello della prima guerra mondiale del Regno Unito per attirare la Russia nella prossima grande guerra globale Utilizzando doppiogiochismo, inganno e alleanze segrete, la cerchia ristretta di élite del Regno Unito, guidata da Nathaniel Rothschild, Re Edoardo VII e Lord Alfred Milner, costrinse il Kaiser tedesco in un angolo e incastrò intenzionalmente i tedeschi per incolparli di aver scatenato la Prima Guerra Mondiale, mentre in realtà furono gli inglesi a provocare i tedeschi fino al punto in cui la guerra era l'unica opzione....
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👍 2
💥💥💥💥💥 😡😡😡😡😡 Un documento declassigicato prova che la produzione del vaccino Pfizer (per il covid 19) è iniziata nel mese di maggio 2019.
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Giappone_Parlano, dei vaccini covid, ritenendoli una sorta di armi biologiche, Fukuschima, presidente del Vaccine Problem Study Group, più altri 5.
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Video qui sopra. 5G: Controllo Mentale, Chip e Torri cellulari come armi psicotroniche. Dr Barrie Trower (1. parte).
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Quelle belle nouvelle ! Justin Trudeau vient d'être poursuivi devant la Cour supérieure de justice de l'Ontario pour avoir ordonné la perquisition et la saisie de comptes bancaires canadiens et invoqué la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence.
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5G is based on the same beam forming principle... if you think its safe because you can't see it or because its "non ionizing" then just stick your head in a 2.5 GHz (wifi) microwave oven....
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Attivisti filo-palestinesi a San Francisco stanno cercando di impedire ad una nave da guerra di partire per aiutare Israele. Unisciti a border 2.0
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La disinformazione è mortale-I vaccini salvano le vite, "pubblicizzava" costei. È morta all'improvviso e misteriosamente. ......
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📍⭐️⭐️⭐️ INFOS SERIE from novaxer420 5G, 6G, 7G APOCALYPSE THE EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT! - IEEE ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS! Body area network (I.O.B.N.T.) - What Was The C.o.v.i.d-AI/19 agenda really all about? . . Digital Beamforming Techniques for Future Communications Systems | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . Digital Beamforming for Antenna Arrays | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . Energy Efficient Beamforming for 5G | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . A Primer on Near-Field Beamforming for Arrays and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . Multilevel Optimized Beam forming Technique For 5G | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . A New Beamforming Technique in 5G Environment for Reliable Transmission | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . Beam forming networks of optimum size and compactness for multibeam antennas at 900 MHz | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore . APS | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society | Advanced Beam-Forming Antennas for Beyond 5G and 6G . how many "truther" "Good Dr's" have figured out yet that the Jabbed people are the 6G network that they are building! #6GInfastructure All Jabbed people have devices inside them and are now walking 24/7/365 6G antennas 📡  connected to the cloud! #NanoNetworks . (6G Nano-networks, Bio-Nano Internet Of Things) - Information and communication theory with biochemical and molecular components for biological Sensing And Control | ITU Journal | Webinar . The ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET) is an international journal providing complete coverage of all communications . Ian F. Akyildiz​ President and Founder​, Truva Inc., United States . (ARRC) Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA) - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks PMCID: PMC6580932 PMID: 31245352 Graphene-Based Sensors for Human Health Monitoring Analysis of Graphene Antenna Properties for 5G Applications . MIT creates synthetic cell that senses its environment The new sensor can detect four different molecules, and may be a breakthrough that allows precise environmental monitoring by cells. . Graphene: it's Applications and Uses . how many "truther" "Good Dr's" have figured out yet that the Jabbed people are the 6G nano-network that they are building! 6G Infastructure All Jabbed people have nano-devices inside them and are now walking 6G antennas 📡 . (6G Nano-networks, Bio-Nano Internet Of Things) - Information and communication theory with biochemical and molecular components for biological Sensing And Control | ITU Journal | Webinar
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👍 1
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La raccolta fondi di Joe Biden da 500.000 dollari per posto a New York con Obama, Clinton e Lizzo è stata appena tesa un'imboscata da parte di un manifestante che gridava "GENOCIDIO!" nei confronti di Biden sul palco.. “ Vergognati Joe Biden “
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ATTENZIONE! Il governo americano, in un quadro di progetto di legge da 460 miliardi di dollari adottato dalla Camera dei rappresentanti americani, potrebbe finanziare la ricerca su vaccini commestibili transgenici, coltivati da piante geneticamente modificate destinate al consumo umano o animale (poi, magari, dell'animale passeranno all'uomo che lo mangia). ((Sono degli psicopatici!))
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Pfizer non si limita a produrre vaccini e medicinali. Il 90% dei fornaggi americani contengono degli OGM fabbricati da Pfizer.
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🇬🇧 💉☠☠👿 UK_Il17 aprile 2020, il deputato dr. Luke Evans e Matt Hancock, segretario di Stato alla Sanità, discutono della necessità di << buona morte >>, di siringhe e di Midazolam (Rivotril). Sapevano quello che facevano.....hanno assassinato migliaia di pazienti anziani. È accaduto anche "altrove"?
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Rosa Koire Pericolosa 🤮👿😡 Agenda 21 2030 per il NWO. Il piano globalista di conquista del Mondo. (video in inglese parlato, sottotitolato in lingua spagnola)
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People used to be infected with malaria to cure syphilis. The man who came up with such a crazy but working idea was awarded the Nobel Prize. It was Julius Wagner Jauregg. Malaria caused a very high temperature which killed the syphilis bacteria. Then the patients were treated for malaria. At that time there were no antibiotics and syphilis was a direct threat to life. Subscribe to @HATSTRUTH 🎩
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