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The only way out of this reality is through Unity Consciousness 💟⚡️✨✨

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In every corner of the world, people are in awe and shock from the beauty of the Auroras. They are inviting us to silence our mind. To practice meditation. The message that Auroras bring is that of Oneness, where everything in the physical seem to disolve into One Light. Connecting with the Auroras will feel like getting to know your spiritual self. The image of stepping through a door and becoming half transparent, in the colors of your Soul. Third eye activation. A time when the ability to silcence your mind is important because this is how you can hear your Inner Knowing and eventually you achieve what you want, being it reaching a whising Star or to reach the highest of your dreams. Release the ideea that you are limited by your past or current circumstances. You are electromagnetic being. Your Thinking is electric. Your Knowing is magnetic. For as Sound springs from Silence so does Action come from Inner Knowing. Your Mind is the Tool and the Key to eternal exploration of Inner Cosmic Consciousness.🩷
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If you thank your life, it will transform. If you thank your your mind, it will relax. If you thank your heart, it will open. If you thank yourself, a new light opens a new path. If you thank God, you remember who you are. 💛✨️💚
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Old issues may be brought up again. Inadequacies, doubts, feeling rejected or unloved, mistrust and fear. As hard as it may seem, tell yourself clearly: "This is not the Truth". These are structures and constructs of the mind, remnants of millennia-old collective oppression and abuse of power. We are all beings of Divinity and Love. At the same time, major processes of farewell and new reconnection are underway. It is important to free your heart, to talk and give space to your feelings. Appreciation is the basis for better understanding and peaceful coexistence. We are all incarnated here and now to work and transform these very times. Because the paradigm shift has begun and the shift is under-way. We have the power to master any challenge. Accept the waves of change as You will be carried, guided, loved and protected at all times. Knowledge is ever present, but it is forgotten. 💎
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A message from our light sister Stefeni 🙏🧡
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The Cygnus or Swan constellation is also called the Northern Cross. What if the origin of the swastika lies in the Cygnus simbolism? Deneb is a Super Star in the Cygnus constellation and is one of the most prominent stars in the night sky, being a source of inspiration for many cultures around the world. In addition to myths, legends and spiritual meanings, Deneb serves in Astronomy as a point of reference in measuring the distance between galaxies and stars, contributing massively to our understanding of the Universe. Even the middle of the Milky Way passes right through this mystical Constellation. Cygnus/Swan has long been a symbol of grace, beauty and purity of unconditional love, loyalty, strength and courage. In some traditions, the constellation was also seen as a sign of luck and prosperity. In some cultures, Cygnus was a gateway to the afterlife and that the souls of the departed would pass through it on their journey to the other side. It seems that each piece of Labradorite looks like an Oracle.
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"There is a life-force within your soul... There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveler, if you are in search of That... Don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek That." ~ Rumi These are wise words about accepting who you are and becoming one with your inner self. Life's most meaningful moments occur when we focus on our inner selves. When we become one with who we are, we feel lighter, calmer, and can see things in a different light. As a result, we get to experience an abundance of love and compassion, for ourselves and for everyone around us. Whatever good and bad has happened in your past, has happened. Start a new journey with a new point of You, focusing on your future according to your current situation.  And on that note, my dear Friend, wishing you an abundance of love and happiness.💎 Where there is Matter, there is Energy. Your thoughts become Matter.💎
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The true rich life!! 😍
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CBD by local USA farm 😍 VETERAN-OWNED business that creates CBD products at their farm in Portage, PA 🇺🇸 Each product category has specific highlights, such as unique ingredients, flavors, or application methods.There are a wide range of lotions, gummies, oils available that help with sleep, arthritis, pain, anxiety, inflammation and more. You can checkout their lovely store here, I highly recommend them : Delivery available only within USA 🇺🇸 with 15% off ( code IE15) on first order 🤩
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LORD OF THE RINGS scene portraying what it would be like to exist Middle Earth through the Antarctic gate. Was a beautiful scene ✨
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⚡️🪴ELECTRIFY YOUR GARDEN 🪴⚡️ 🌬️💨 All without the use of manure, pesticides or fertilizers : just the atmospheric energy, magnetism and telluric currents of the Earth. Copper antennas : a quick & simple solution to solving the shortages we are all facing. A dear friend is creating these himself with added quartz crystals or simple spiral. Make sure you checkout his store : TESLA COPPER ANTENNAS AVAILABLE 😍 #supportingeachother #electroculture #copperantennas
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The Path to Self-Compassion: Healing Guilt through Spirituality At the heart of spirituality lies the recognition of our interconnectedness with all beings and the divine essence within. Self-compassion, rooted in this understanding, involves treating oneself with the same kindness, understanding, and forgiveness that we extend to others. Spirituality provides a framework for embracing self-compassion by acknowledging our inherent worthiness as divine beings, irrespective of our perceived flaws or mistakes. It invites us to surrender our guilt to the divine and embrace a deeper sense of acceptance and love for ourselves. Healing Guilt through Spiritual Practices: Forgiveness: Central to many spiritual traditions is the practice of forgiveness – both of others and oneself. By acknowledging our humanity and inherent worthiness, we release ourselves from the burden of guilt and open our hearts to receive divine grace and compassion. Mindfulness: Mindfulness, a cornerstone of spiritual practice, invites us to cultivate present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through mindfulness, we observe our guilt with curiosity and compassion, allowing it to dissolve in the light of awareness. Surrender: Surrendering to a higher power or divine wisdom is a powerful antidote to guilt. By relinquishing our need for control and trusting in the divine plan, we release the illusion of guilt and embrace a sense of peace and acceptance. Self-Reflection: Spiritual practices such as journaling, meditation, or contemplative prayer provide opportunities for self-reflection and introspection. By exploring the root causes of our guilt with compassion and curiosity, we gain insight into our patterns of thought and behavior, paving the way for healing and transformation. Practical Tips for Cultivating Self-Compassion: Practice Loving-Kindness: Begin each day with a loving-kindness meditation, extending wishes of happiness, peace, and well-being to yourself and others. Offer Yourself Grace: When guilt arises, offer yourself grace and forgiveness, recognizing that you are doing the best you can with the resources and knowledge you have. Set Boundaries: Honor your needs and set boundaries to protect your well-being, recognizing that self-care is an essential aspect of self-compassion. Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature, immersing yourself in its beauty and wisdom, and allowing its healing energies to soothe your soul and uplift your spirit.
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People romanticize the moon bcs they don't know what it is nor the energies they are dealing with. _________________________________________ ""THE MOONLIGHT DUMPS DOWN LIFE EXPECTANCY"" **Daryl James: we have been kept dumped down in life expectancy, I was told by Robert the executive officer, that the offworld Germans live over 800 years on their own world off of earth, I was told that certain things like the poison on our food, on the air and water and so on, all the stuff we already know and ""even the moon itself"". I remember talking to a woman on the moon, I was with her you know, and said to her "are you worried getting pregnant in this horrible kind of slave area?", and she said "no, bcs I can regulate my ovulation here in the moon, only when you are out of the moon causes women to ovulate and have periods but it also accelerates the aging process too". So the moon besides been artificial it causes to age too quickly and decompose faster food, water... A lot of ET's they don't even really are considered fully educated to go on a ship to actually work on a starship until around 80 years old, at 40 years old they go into an apprenticeship they study for a long time, they are not really considered completely capable to do it till about 80, instead that's when we humans from earth die. I've read about they've done studies about if you're in the moonlight it's actually colder there then it is in the shade of the moonlight! and where meat decomposes quicker in moonlight then it will like in your own home!. **Daryl D. James enlisted in the U.S. Navy on January 24, 1999. He served 7 years, including one year in Iraq with the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 7 (NM SeaBee 7). In 2003, while stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St. Maugen, in Cornwall, UK, he passed through what he thought was a metal detector. It was a piece of technology that measured every biometric signature he had, including his I.Q., which was measured as 195. He was soon recruited to join the Secret Space Program and guaranteed a position as a Pilot in Solar Warden, the star fleet that monitors our solar system. After a miscommunication with a nine-and-a-half-foot tall Reptilian, he was sent to the mines on the Moon. Info extracted from The Cryptid Huntress: ====================================== TO SEE ANOTHER INFO ABOUT WHAT IS THE MOON: & HERE ALSO THE FALSE MOON:
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When you care for others, you heal the part of you that needs to be cared for. When you help others, you heal the part of you that needs the help of others. When you encourage others, you heal the part of you that needs to be encouraged. When you give a hug, you heal the part of you that needs a hug. When you offer a kind word, you heal the part of you that needs to hear it. When you forgive others, you heal the part of you that needs forgiveness. When you accept others as they are, you heal the part of you that doesn't think you're good enough. When you send good thoughts and blessings to others, you heal the part of you that needs them too. When you offer compassion to others, you heal the part of you that needs compassion. When you give others your Light, you heal the darkness in yourself. When you love others, you heal the part of you that isn't loved. Give what you want to get and that's how you will get what you want. When Man is Love, Universe becomes Love. Epidothe and Zepter Quarz 💚.
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Full moon today and it’s looking super wild 🌈 🌚 📸 taken from my backyard
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I created a spiritual line of clothing made of pure cotton only, kindly take a look if it resonates with you 🙏❤️🤍 #supportsmallbusiness
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