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🌳 𝖂𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉'𝖘 Mirror 🌳

They will continue to censor the truth and erase everything we love.

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planned obsolescence.
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JUST IN - US Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic adoption agency that refused to place foster children with LGBT couples. @disclosetv
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Texas adopts permitless gun carry and loosens suppressor laws

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed two bills this week that will allow Lone Star State residents to carry handguns without a permit and loosen regulations surrounding suppressors.

The mass shooting in Austin, Texas Friday night which left 14 people injured is being covered-up by the Austin American-Statesman, one of the biggest newspapers in Texas. They won't publish a description of the suspect (a black male) because it would "perpetuate racial stereotypes." That's where we're at in Biden's America. A major newspaper won't help catch a dangerous criminal because facts undermine the (((Marxist agenda))) and disinformation campaign that "white supremacy" is the greatest threat facing the country. Justin Tyran Roberts, The Black Suspect Accused of Two Day Long Shooting Spree, Was Targeting White Males, According to Police
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Black Suspect Accused of Two Day Long Shooting Spree Was Targeting White Males, According to Police

Justin Tyran Roberts, a 39-year-old black man, was targeting white males in his two day long shooting spree that spanned two states, according to police. Roberts is accused of shooting and wounding five people in Georgia and Alabama over the weekend. Detective Brandon Lockhart testified on Monday that Roberts told police that “white men had…

Here is the first post mortem report of a toxxined person and viral RNA was found in EVERY organ of his body. Attached is the official report from the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. There are some things I disagree with, such as the assertion that virus was "spread" to the deceased via an "asymptomatic carrier" (utter horse shit) but if the results of the autopsy are correct this is extremely bad for anyone taking this fucking covid shot. Very big if true. @AltSkullMirror
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“Global Time Bomb” First case of postmortem study of patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; “viral RNA found in every organ of the body”

viral RNA found in every organ of the body By Hal Turner Radio The first-ever autopsy of a person vaccinated against COVID-19, who tested negative 18 days later upon hospital admission but at 24 da…

When you realize that “fascist” is just a code word for “protecting civilization from people like us”
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A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here's What They Found

We've been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread

The Genocide of Russia's Old Believers VertigoPolitix "From out of the Communist, industrialized urban centers, a confederate army of psychopaths, prisoners, atheists, and ready henchmen, marched into the Russian North in the Spring of 1923, to begin the greatest ethno-religious genocide in human history..." Follow VertigoPolitix on Twitter: Minds:
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While Biden Claims ‘White Supremacy’ is the Biggest Threat, Hate Crimes Against White People Surge READ:
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