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UGC-NET-JRF English Literature

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20 important quotations from William Shakespeare's plays, including the speaker and the act and scene where each quotation appears: 1. "To be, or not to be: that is the question."    - *Hamlet*, spoken by Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 2. "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players."    - *As You Like It*, spoken by Jaques, Act 2, Scene 7 3. "A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"    - *Richard III*, spoken by Richard III, Act 5, Scene 4 4. "Out, damned spot! out, I say!"    - *Macbeth*, spoken by Lady Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 1 5. "If music be the food of love, play on."    - *Twelfth Night*, spoken by Orsino, Act 1, Scene 1 6. "Beware the Ides of March."    - *Julius Caesar*, spoken by Soothsayer, Act 1, Scene 2 7. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."    - *Hamlet*, spoken by Queen Gertrude, Act 3, Scene 2 8. "Now is the winter of our discontent."    - *Richard III*, spoken by Richard III, Act 1, Scene 1 9. "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep."     - *The Tempest*, spoken by Prospero, Act 4, Scene 1 10. "Et tu, Brute?"     - *Julius Caesar*, spoken by Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1 11. "This above all: to thine own self be true."     - *Hamlet*, spoken by Polonius, Act 1, Scene 3 12. "O brave new world, that has such people in't!"     - *The Tempest*, spoken by Miranda, Act 5, Scene 1 13. "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."     - *Julius Caesar*, spoken by Julius Caesar, Act 2, Scene 2 14. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."     - *A Midsummer Night's Dream*, spoken by Helena, Act 1, Scene 1 15. "Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow."     - *Romeo and Juliet*, spoken by Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2 16. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."     - *Twelfth Night*, spoken by Malvolio (reading the letter), Act 2, Scene 5 17. "The better part of Valour, is Discretion."     - *Henry IV, Part 1*, spoken by Falstaff, Act 5, Scene 4 18. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."     - *Romeo and Juliet*, spoken by Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2 19. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."     - *Julius Caesar*, spoken by Cassius, Act 1, Scene 2 20. "Out, out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."     - *Macbeth*, spoken by Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 🕔
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Fools in the Plays of Shakespeare 1. A Fool: Timon of Athens 2. Autolycus: The Winter’s Tale 3. Citizen: Julius Caesar 4. Cloten: Cymbeline 5. Clown: Othello 6. Clown: The Winter’s Tale 7. Costard: Love’s Labour’s Lost 8. Dromio of Ephesus: The Comedy of Errors 9. Dromio of Syracuse: The Comedy of Errors 10. Falstaff: King Henry IV, Part 1&2 11. Feste: Twelfth Night (he is regarded as the wise fool employed by Olivia) 12. Grumio: The Taming of the Shrew 13. Launce: The Two Gentlemen of Verona 14. Louncelot Gobbo: The Merchant of Venice 15. Shylock: The Merchant of Venice 16. Lavache: All’s well that ends well 17. Nick Bottom: Midsummer Night’s Dream 18. Pompey: Measure for Measure (employee of brothel) 19. Puck: Midsummer Night’s Dream 20. Speed: Two Gentlemen of Verona 21. The Fool: King Lear 22. The Gravediggers: Hamlet 23. The Porter: Macbeth 24. Thersites: Troilus and Cressida 25. Touchstone: As You Like It 26. Trinculo: The Tempest
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100 Important Books & Authors 1):- David Copperfield → Charles Dickens 2):- Hamlet → William Shakespeare 3):- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner → Samuel Taylor Coleridge 4):- Das Capital → Karl Mark 5):- Animal Farm → George Orwell 6):- Dialogues → Plato 7):- Tempest → William Shakespeare 8):- Main Kemp → Ad loaf Hitler 9):- Mother → Maxim Gorky 10):- As You Like it → William Shakespeare 11):- Paradise Lost → John Milton 12):- The Tale of Two Cities → Charles Dickens 13):- The Merchant of Venice → William Shakespeare 14):- Pride and Prejudice → Jane Austen 15):- All’s Well that Ends Well → William Shakespeare 16):- Anna Karenina → Leo Tolstoy 17):- Origin of Species → Charles Darwin 18):- Discovery of India → Jawahar Lal Nehru 19):- Asian Drama → Gunner Myrdal 20):- The Old Man and The Sea → Earnest Hemingway 21):- Julius Caesar → William Shakespeare 22):- Man and Superman → George Bernard Shaw 23):- War and Peace → Leo Tolstoy 24):- Gulliver’s Travels → Jonathan Swift 25):- Heaven and Earth → Lord Byron 26):- Blue Bird → Lord Alfred Tennyson 27):- Othello → William Shakespeare 28):- India Wins Freedom → Abul Kalam Azad 29):- Marriage and Moral → Bertrand Russell 30):- God of the Small Things → Arundhuty Roy 31):- Caesar and Cleopatra → George Bernard 32):- Romeo and Juliet → William Shakespeare 33):- Jungle Book → Rudyard Kipling 34):- Lycidas → John Milton 35):- Emma → Jane Austen 36):- A pair of Blue Eyes → Thomas Hardy 37):- Odyssey → Homer 38):- Memories of the Second World War → Winston Churchill 39):- For Whom the Bell Tolls → Earnest Hemingway 40):- Wealth of Nations → Adam Smith 41):- West Land → T.S Eliot 42):- Vanity Fair → W.M Thackeray 43):- Prince → Machiavelli 44):- Republic → Plato 45):- Freedom → Bertrand Russell 46):- A Long Walk to Freedom → Nelson Mandela 47):- Robinson Crusoe → Daniel Defoe 48):- Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow → D.H Lawrence 49):- Ulysses → Lord Alfred Tennyson 50):- Sense and Sensibility → Jane Austen 51):- Roots → Alex Haley 52):- To Skylark → P. B Shelly 53):- Time Machine → H. W Wells 54):- Try and Try Again → W.E Hick son 55):- Seven Seas → Rudyard Kipling 56):- Around the World in Eighty Days→ Jules Verne 57):- Waiting For Goddot → Samuel Becket 58):- Things Fall Apart → Chinua Achebe 59):- Silent Women → Ben Johnson 60):- Wuthering Heights → Emile Bronte 61):- The Way of the World → William Congreve 62):- Voyage of Lilliput → Jonathon Swift 63):- Top Secret → Henry Fielding 64):- Twelfth Night → William Shakespeare 65):- Utopia → Sir Thomas Moore 66):- Tom Jones → Henry Fielding 67):- The Return of the Native → Thomas Hardy 68):- The Alchemist → Ben Jonson 69):- Tess of t D’Urbervilles → Thomas Hardy 70):- Scholar Gipsy → Matthew Arnold 71):- The Rape of the Lock → Alexander Pope 72):- Prelude → William Wordsworth 73):- Ode to the West Wind → P.B Shelly 74):- Great Expectations → Charles Dickens 75):- King Lear → William Shakespeare 76):- Kublai Khan → Samuel Taylor Coleridge 77):- Isabella → John Keats 78):- Measure and Measure → William Shakespeare 79):-In Memoriam → Lord Alfred Tennyson 80):- Pilgrim’s Progress → John Bunyan 81):- Oliver Twist → Charles Dickens 82):- Paradise Regained → John Milton 83):- Iliad → Homer 84):- Divine Comedy → Dante 85):- Crime and Punishment → Dostoevsky 86):- A Brief History Of Time → Stephen Hawking 87):- A Farewell to Arms → Earnest Hemingway 88):- A Midsummer’s Nights Dream → William Shakespeare 89):- Adonis → P. B Shelly 90):- Akbar Nama → Abul Fazal 91):- Canterbury Tales → Geoffrey Chaucer 92):- Comedy of Errors → William Shakespeare 93):- Don Juan → Lord Byron 94):- Dr. Faustus → Christopher Marlowe 95):- Politics → Aristotle 96):- Volpone → Ben Jonson 97):- Dictionary → Samuel Johnson 98):- A Passage to India → E. M. Forster 99):- Macbeth → William Shakespeare 100):- Samson Agonists → John Milton
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#IMPORTANT_ENGLISH_LITERARY_TERMS ⏩Melodrama:-A highly sensational drama with happy ending. Example ‘The Spanish Tragedy’ –Kyd. ⏩Metaphysical Poetry:-Meta means beyond and physical is related to body . ⏩Mock-epic:-It is a long satirical poem dealing with a trivial theme. Example: “The rape of the lock”-Alexander Pope. ⏩Metaphor:-A metaphor is an implicit comparison between two different things. ⏩Metre:-The recurrence of similar stress pattern in some lines of a poem. ⏩Novel:-is a long prose narrative fiction with plot characters etc. ⏩Novelette:-is longer than a short story and shorter than a novel. ⏩Ode:-is a long narrative poem of varying, line length dealing with serious subject matter. ⏩Objectivity:-We have objectivity in a literary piece when the author focuses on an object from broadened point of view. ⏩Octave:-is the firs part of Italian sonnet. ⏩Oxymoron:-is apparently a physical contrast which oddly makes sense on a deeper level. ⏩Prologue:-is the beginning part of a novel or a play or a novel. ⏩Prose:-Any material that is not written in a regular meter like a poetry. ⏩Prosody:-Prosody is the mechanics or grammar of verse. ⏩Protagonist:-Protagonist is the main character in a literary work ⏩Plot:-The arrangement of incidents is called plot. ⏩Pun:-A pun is playing with words. ⏩Periods of English literature:-The Anglo-Saxon, Middle English Renaissance, Restoration, Neoclassical Romantic, Victorian, Modern, Post-Modern. ⏩Romanticism:-was a literary movement. It stands Opposite to reason and focuses on emotion. ⏩Rhetoric:-Rhetoric is the art of persuasive argument through writing. ⏩Symbol:-A symbol is anything that stands for something else. ⏩Sonnet:-is a lyric poem consisting of fourteen rhymed lines dealing with a lofty theme. ⏩Satire:-is ridiculing the vices and follies of an individual or a society with a corrective design. E.g. “The rape of the lock”---Pope. ⏩Short-story:-A short story is a prose narrative considerable length. It is shorter than a novel. ⏩Stanza:-is a group of verses having a rhyme scheme pattern. ⏩Subjectivity:-We find subjectivity in a literary work in which the writer’s personal intrusion takes place. ⏩Soliloquy:-It means speaking alone when in a play a character is found speaking alone on the stage it is called soliloquy. ⏩Ballad= a kind of short narrative poem. ⏩Blank verse= Having no rhyming end. ⏩Blue print= final documents having received finished touches. ⏩Canto= A subdivision of an epic or narrative poem. ⏩Elegy= Song of lamentation. ⏩Epic= A long poem ⏩Epilogue= A poem or speech at the end of play. ⏩Epitaph= words that are said about dead person. ⏩Eulogy= Speech or writing i praise of a person. ⏩Fairy talk= folk literature. ⏩Fantasy = an imaginary story. ⏩Hymn=song praise of god. ⏩Jargon= A mixture of two or more language . ⏩Lyric= A poem that could be sung. ⏩Opera= A musical drama. ⏩Parody= Imitation of a poem or writings. ⏩Sonnet= A poem of fourteen lines.
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Compiling a list of literary criticism terms with their coiners or notable proponents 1. *Aestheticism* - Walter Pater 2. *Ambiguity* - William Empson 3. *Archetype* - Carl Jung 4. *Carnivalesque* - Mikhail Bakhtin 5. *Cognitive Poetics* - Reuven Tsur 6. *Deconstruction* - Jacques Derrida 7. *Dialogism* - Mikhail Bakhtin 8. *Discourse Analysis* - Michel Foucault 9. *Ecocriticism* - William Rueckert 10. *Empiricism* - John Locke 11. *Episteme* - Michel Foucault 12. *Formalist Criticism* - Russian Formalists (Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson) 13. *Gaze* - Laura Mulvey 14. *Heteroglossia* - Mikhail Bakhtin 15. *Hyperreality* - Jean Baudrillard 16. *Imagism* - Ezra Pound 17. *Interpellation* - Louis Althusser 18. *Intertextuality* - Julia Kristeva 19. *Linguistic Relativity* - Benjamin Whorf 20. *Metafiction* - William Gass 21. *Mimesis* - Aristotle 22. *Modernism* - Ezra Pound 23. *Myth Criticism* - Northrop Frye 24. *Narratology* - Tzvetan Todorov 25. *New Criticism* - John Crowe Ransom 26. *Orality and Literacy* - Walter Ong 27. *Orientalism* - Edward Said 28. *Paratext* - Gérard Genette 29. *Phenomenology* - Edmund Husserl 30. *Postcolonial Criticism* - Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Homi K. Bhabha 31. *Postmodernism* - Jean-François Lyotard 32. *Psychoanalytic Criticism* - Sigmund Freud 33. *Reader-Response Criticism* - Stanley Fish 34. *Reception Theory* - Hans Robert Jauss 35. *Semiotics* - Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce 36. *Structuralism* - Claude Lévi-Strauss 37. *Subaltern* - Antonio Gramsci 38. *Symbolic Interactionism* - George Herbert Mead 39. *Symptomatic Reading* - Louis Althusser 40. *Textual Criticism* - Karl Lachmann 41. *Transcendentalism* - Ralph Waldo Emerson 42. *Trope* - Kenneth Burke 43. *Uncanny* - Sigmund Freud 44. *Voice* - Mikhail Bakhtin 45. *Weltanschauung* - Wilhelm Dilthey 46. *Allegoresis* - J.A. Cuddon 47. *Biographical Criticism* - Samuel Johnson 48. *Cultural Materialism* - Raymond Williams 49. *Dramatic Monologue* - Robert Browning 50. *Ecriture Feminine* - Hélène Cixous 51. *Enjambment* - Alexander Pope 52. *Epic Theatre* - Bertolt Brecht 53. *Ethnopoetics* - Jerome Rothenberg 54. *Existentialism* - Jean-Paul Sartre 55. *Feminist Criticism* - Helen Cixous
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📌 Dalit Writers 📌 Dalit Panthers is a social group of Mahar writers and Poets including Raja Dhale, Namdeo Shasak and JV Pawar in 1970s and 1972 📌B.R Ambedkar (1891-1956) Works- 1. Annihilation of Caste(1936) 2. The Buddha and his Dhamma(1957 post humously) 3. Waiting for Visa(1935) 📌 Omprakash Valmiki(1950-2013) 1. Jhoothan " a dalit life" (1997) 2. Sadyio ka santap(1989) 3. Bas bahut ho chuka(1997) 4. Ab Aur Nahin(2009) 5. Salaam(2000) 6. Ghuspaithiye(2004) 7. Dalit Sahitya ka Saundarya Shastra(2001) 8. Safai Devta(2009) History of Valmiki community 9. Do Chera(a play)
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Major works of Oscar Wilde: 1. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) 2. "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892) 3. "A Woman of No Importance" (1893) 4. "An Ideal Husband" (1895) 5. "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) 6. "De Profundis" (1905)
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Major works of George Meredith : 1. "The Ordeal of Richard Feverel" (1859) 2. "Modern Love" (1862) 3. "The Egoist" (1879) 4. "Diana of the Crossways" (1885) 5. "The Adventures of Harry Richmond" (1871) 6. "Rhoda Fleming" (1865)
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