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#DAILY_VOCABULARY Daily English Vocabulary Words.: 1.Uncalled-For (Adj)-not suitable and therefore unnecessary. अनावश्यक 2.Anticipated (V)-regard as probable; expect or predict. प्रत्याशित, अपेक्षित 3.Trepidation (N)-a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. 4.Light-Touch (N)-a friendly, relaxed, or humourous way of doing something. 5.Appetite (N)-a strong desire or liking for something. रुचि 6.Satire (N)-a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn. 7.Stifle (V)-to prevent something from happening. 8.Palatable (Adj)-(of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory. रुचिकर 9.Out Of The Woods (Phrase)-Out of difficulties, danger or trouble. 10.Pent-Up (Adj)- confined, restrained, not vented or expressed, curbed. 11.Transient (Adj)-Lasting only for a short time. क्षणिक 12.Taken Its Eye Off The Ball (Phrase)-to become distracted and stop focusing. 13.Purveying (V)-supply with provisions. 14.Resuscitate (V)-make (something) active or vigorous again. 15.Bodes Well (Phrase)-to be a sign of good things to come. शुभ लक्षण सूचित 16.Spate Of (Phrase)-a large number of similar things that happen in a short period of time, especially bad things. 17.Play Out (Phrasal Verb)-develop in a particular way. 18.Diktat (N)-an order that must be obeyed. आदेश
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👍 6
#DAILY_VOCABULARY 1.Bedrock (N)-basic principles or facts. मूल सिद्धान्त 2.Underscores (V)-to emphasize the importance something. 3.Bottlenecks (N)-a problem that delays a process or stops it from continuing. मार्गावरोध 4.Containment (N)-the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits. रोकथाम 5.Malnutrition (N)-a severe shortage of food. 6.Lactating (Adj)-producing or secreting milk. 7.Innovatively (Adv)-using new methods or ideas. 8.Pest (N)-an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops. विनाशकारी कीट 9.Locust (N)-a large insect found in hot areas that flies in large groups and destroys plants and crops. टिड्डी 10.Degradation (N)-the process by which something is made worse, esp. the quality of land. घटना 11.Agroecology (N)-agriculture that is based on protecting and preserving the environment. कृषि-पारिस्थितिकी 12.Precipitated (V)-to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected. अवक्षेपित 13.Solidarity (N)-agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group. 14.Inexplicably (Adv)-in a manner differing from the usual or expected. बिना किसी स्पष्टीकरण के 15.Cess (N)-a form of tax charged/levied over and above the base tax liability of a taxpayer. कर 16.Recompense (V)-to compensate for loss or damage. 17.Shortfall (N)-a deficit of something required or expected. कमी होना 18.Coffers (N)-the financial accounts of a government or an organization. कोष, ख़ज़ाना 19.Dry Up (Phrasal Verb)-(of a resource) to come to an end. 20.Cooled Off (Phrasal Verb)-become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation. 21.Imperative (N)-an essential or urgent thing. अनिवार्य 22.Hubris (N)-excessive pride or self-confidence. अभिमान, घमंड 23.Stunting (N)-impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. 24.Unedifying (Adj)-unpleasant and without any useful or positive features. 25.Inferior (Adj)-lower in rank, status, or quality. निम्न, अपकृष्ट 26.Flawed (Adj)-wrong or faulty. त्रुटिपूर्ण, दोषपूर्ण 27.Determinants (N)-a factor which decisively affects the nature or outcome of something. निर्धारक तत्व 28.Appetite (N)-a strong desire or liking for something. इच्छा, प्रवृत्ति 29.Diverse (Adj)-different in kind. विभिन्न, विविध 30.Deprivation (N)-the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society. 31.Underscored (V)-to emphasize the importance something. 32.Tidings (N)-news or information. समाचार, खबर 33.Extinguish (V)-terminate, end, or take out. समाप्त होना 34.Scrupulous (Adj)-(of a person or process) careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details. 35.Caveat (N)-a warning against certain acts. चेतावनी 36.Mutations (N)-a change or alteration in form or qualities. परिवर्तन, तबदीली 37.Containment (N)-the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits. रोकथाम 38.Suffice (V)-be enough or adequate. पर्याप्त हॉना, काफ़ी 39.Outbreaks (N)-a sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease. प्रकोप 40.Peer-Review (N)-evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field. सहकर्मी समीक्षा 41.Quotidian (Adj)-occurring every day.  प्रतिदिन होनेवाला, साधारण 42.Common Denominator (N)-an attribute that is common to all members of a category. 43.Catering (V)-to supply what is required or desired. 44.Avowedly (Adv)-As has been asserted, admitted, or stated publicly; openly. स्पष्ट रूप से 45.Pedagogies (N)-the activities of educating or instructing. शिक्षण 46.Overarching (Adj)-including all or everything. व्यापक 47.Endeavour (V)-try hard to do or achieve something. प्रयास 48.Yawning Gap (N)-a very large difference between two groups, things, or people. 49.Exorbitantly (Adv)-(of prices and demands) much too large. 50. Warped (Adj)-strange and unpleasant.
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👍 14
7. Janice was____ when her husband abruptly announced that their marriage was over.Anonymous voting
  • ravaged
  • spoiled
  • wasted
  • devastated
0 votes
👍 1
6. We captured the gymnast’s____ acrobatic feats on camera.Anonymous voting
  • superlative
  • tremendous
  • wondrous
  • valued
0 votes
9. The teacher accused Jeetu of____ because she knew he could never write such a exceptional paper.Anonymous voting
  • borrowing
  • plagiarism
  • piracy
  • theft
0 votes
10. Purush wandered____ through life, with no clear ideas of where he was heading and what he wanted to accomplish.Anonymous voting
  • madly
  • excitedly
  • crazily
  • aimlessly
0 votes
👍 1
8. With our___ incomes, my wife and I can usually afford two vacations a year.Anonymous voting
  • modest
  • simple
  • timid
  • discreet
0 votes
👍 1
3. The researchers are_____ into the mode of life of diabetes patients as diabetes is a lifestyle ailment.Anonymous voting
  • inspecting
  • investigating
  • observing
  • seeing
0 votes
During a depression even the affluent middle class struggles to___ out a living.Anonymous voting
  • Make
  • eke
  • pull
  • stretch
0 votes
5. My parents will____ my car if I get another speeding ticket.Anonymous voting
  • Capture
  • grab
  • confiscate
  • mob
0 votes
👍 1