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Kanal für das Große Erwachen - gegen den Great Reset. Analysen zu Geopolitik, Philosophie und Metapolitik.

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A story about “Texas” from someone who knew him. The radio blared. It seemed to vie with the gunfire strafing Donetsk airport's runway. - What's he yelling for? Everything's clear. They attack; we cover. "Givi" shouted curses non-stop over the radio. His tanks were targeting the middle floors of the "new terminal". The fire points "Monastery" and "Stripes" kept up suppressive fire, preventing the Ukrainian forces from moving their equipment within direct shooting range. - Wake everyone in the armory. Bring ammo. There's going to be a lot of work. The soldier ran down the stairs to the first floor. Just past the third door down the corridor was an ammo storage, and several militiamen were sleeping there. After shoving them aside and grabbing several loaded machine gun belts, crates of ammo, and rifles, the soldiers spread out. The main firing points were on the staircase landings of the women's monastery. It was called "The Three" simply because it had three floors. Due to constant tank shelling, the thick walls had formed convenient firing positions. The blond-haired soldier took his place between the first and second floors. He was indifferent to what exactly was being shouted over the radio. He didn't speak Russian. Only a few commands and strong curses, which practically replaced all the necessary words in war, were familiar to him. The blond-haired soldier was an American citizen. It was strange to see an American methodically unloading magazine after magazine from a Kalashnikov rifle towards the fighters of a country supported by the USA. But the fact remained. He had come to Donbass to defend the Russians. A ringing started in his ears. It was a hit near the monastery, by the south entrance. Everyone flinched. That's where one of the observation posts was located. - Run there. Check where it hit and if everyone's alive? Inhaling the frosty air, our soldier and the blond-haired American ran down the corridor. Bricks were falling from the ceiling. Artillery was firing at them. A strong wind blew through gaping holes. Fingers turned into icy phalanges. Faces began to pale. But an order was an order. Having reached the observation point, the soldiers plunged into a fog of dust and snow. Everything was demolished. It was nearly impossible to understand what was where. Having ascertained by some incredible stroke of luck that the post was empty, they prepared to leave. But the ground shifted under their feet again. Their ears rang. Their bodies wouldn't respond. After gathering their strength, the duo returned to their commander. The American was again placed by a hole in the wall. His task was to lay down suppressive fire. His fingers refused to obey his brain's signals. Concussion and cold made themselves felt in full measure. - Focus all artillery on the tower. Again, the radio yelled. Again, "Givi's" voice penetrated every soldier's consciousness. The control tower was directly opposite the “Three". Our soldiers shifted their fire there. The American's eyes lit up with flashes from his AK. Right now, he was a Russian lad, a communist, a man who believed in truth. - "Everest", our first group’s in. Need to send more. - Who entered? - My guys. "Sparta". 40 strong. "Motorola" burst into the airwaves. That meant everything was going well. That meant everything was according to plan. The fight lasted another four days. At best, sleep came a few hours at a time. The soldiers were wounded, shell-shocked, and frozen to the core, but they completed their orders. During the storming of the new terminal of the Donetsk airport, not a single enemy armored personnel carrier reached the landing area intact. It was Christmas 2015. A few days later, the American, Russell "Texas" Bentley, would end up in the hospital with severe pneumonia and concussion, and during an attempted tank breakthrough by the Ukrainian forces (January 17), his comrades, Igor Yudin (Bulgarian), Yevgeny Belyaev (Squirrel), and Yevgeny Krasnoschekin (Friday), would die right there, between the first and second floors of the monastery.
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Донецкий стрингер

Рация орала на максимальной громкости. Было ощущение, что она собиралась перекричать пулемет и автоматы, которые без остановки простреливали взлетно-посадочную полосу Донецкого аэропорта. - Чего он орет? И так все видно. Они штурмуют, мы - прикрываем. В рации без умолку кричал «Гиви». Поток матов растекался по всему монастырю. Его танки обрабатывали средние этажи «нового терминала». Огневые точки «Монастырь» и «Полосатики» вели беспокоящий огонь, не давая ВСУ выкатить свою технику на расстояние прямого выстрела. - Буди всех, кто в нижней оружейке. Пусть тянут цинки. Похоже будет очень много работы. Боец побежал по ступенькам на первый этаж. Буквально за третьей дверью по-коридору был склад бк и спали несколько ополченцев отряда «Суть времени». Растолкав мужиков, и схватив несколько заправленных пулеметных лент, цинки и автоматы, военные растянулись по этажам. Основные огневые точки были на лесничных пролетах здания женского монастыря. Его называли «Трешка», просто потому, что там было три этажа. Из…

Repost from Arktos
India Aims to Emulate Chinese Strategy Alexander Dugin explores the strategic shifts and ideological underpinnings of India’s evolving geopolitical stance, reflecting on the impact this has on Russia’s interests and global multipolarity. Read the essay here:
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Die “Nebenfront” im Krieg um Palästina und die Folgen Krieg im Roten

Das Rote Meer ist mit dem Suezkanal einer der wirtschaftlichen Dreh- und Angelpunkte des Welthandels. Mehr als 15% des Welthandels verlaufen durch dieses geographische Nadelöhr. Umso größer der

What we are witnessing today is the revival of Moloch, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice. The destructive force and system that demands, particularly of children is embodied in Gaza by the Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu the modern- age version of MOLOCH! Today, we gather to address the urgent and distressing reality unfolding in the Global South, particularly in the occupied territories of Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. ✍ Zeinab Mehanna 🗣 The Global South Defying Moloch
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The Global South Defying Moloch

Ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu Alaikum, What we are witnessing today is the revival of Moloch, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice.

Repost from World Pravda
⚡️🇷🇺 Margarita Simonyan on her TG channel: Russell Bentley, a.k.a Texas, a real American, died in Donetsk. He fought there for our people. Collaborated with our Sputnik. Terrible. Kingdom of heaven." Unfortunate news struck like a lighting. Russell Bentley was missing for approximately 10 days after the AFU shelled a densely populated area in Donetsk. @worldpravda
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Repost from The Eurasian Post
We strongly condemn the vicious attacks from the Fifth Columnists and pseudo-Liberals on greatest philosopher and thinker of our time Professor Alexander Dugin. Professor Dugin is a true Russian patriot and great intellectual asset not Just for Russia but for the Global South. His contributions to the Contemporary philosophical and Geopolitical diacourses is unmatchable. We condemn the vicious attacks on Professor in strongest words. The Russians must not forgot that he sacrificed his daughter Dear Daria for Russia and its sacred cause in the fight against Ukro Nazis. Long Live Russia and respect to Alexander Gelyevich.
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Het "tweede front" in de oorlog om Palestina en de gevolgen ervan am April 17, 2024 Het "tweede front" in de oorlog om Palestina en de gevolgen ervan Oorlog in de Rode Zee Door Alexander Markovics Aanval op een slagader van de wereldhandel Samen met het Suezkanaal is de Rode Zee een van de economische knooppunten van de wereldhandel. Meer dan 15% van de wereldhandel passeert via deze geografische flessenhals. De schok in het Westen was des te groter toen, vanaf 19 november 2023, strijders van de Ansar Allah (Volgelingen van God) beweging, in het Westen ook bekend als de Houthi's, begonnen te schieten op de schepen van Israël en zijn geallieerde Westerse staten.
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Het "tweede front" in de oorlog om Palestina en de gevolgen ervan

Het "tweede front" in de oorlog om Palestina en de gevolgen ervan Oorlog in de Rode Zee Door Alexander Markovics Aanval op een slagader van ...

El "frente secundario" en la guerra por Palestina y sus consecuencias. Guerra en el mar Rojo. Por Alexander Markovics Ataque a una arteria del comercio mundial Con el Canal de Suez, el Mar Rojo es uno de los ejes económicos del comercio mundial. Más del 15% del comercio mundial pasa por este cuello de botella geográfico. La conmoción en Occidente fue aún mayor cuando, a partir del 19 de noviembre de 2023, los combatientes del movimiento Ansar Allah (Seguidores de Dios), también conocidos en Occidente como los Houthis, comenzaron a disparar contra los barcos de Israel y de sus Estados occidentales aliados. La razón de ello: La guerra de aniquilación de Israel contra los palestinos y la amenaza del régimen sionista contra la mezquita de Al-Aqsa en Jerusalén. Mientras otros Estados musulmanes no actúan por miedo a la Opción Sansón, los yemeníes están mirando a la muerte a la cara. Los chiíes, que pertenecen a la corriente zaidí dentro de la chií, son considerados aliados cercanos de Irán. Anteriormente, se enfrentaron con éxito a Arabia Saudí y Occidente en una guerra de aniquilación que duró de 2015 a 2022 y provocó una de las peores hambrunas del mundo. Hoy luchan contra prácticamente todo Occidente a la vez, y con éxito. Guerra en el Mar Rojo: una respuesta a la guerra de aniquilación de Israel en Palestina Las grandes compañías navieras occidentales como la danesa Maersk, la francesa CMA CGM y la petrolera BP empezaron entonces a evitar el Canal de Suez y a organizar su tráfico a través del Cabo de Buena Esperanza. Sólo los costes de los seguros de los barcos que....
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El "frente secundario" en la guerra por Palestina y sus consecuencias. Guerra en el mar Rojo.

Por Alexander Markovics Ataque a una arteria del comercio mundial Con el Canal de Suez, el Mar Rojo es uno de los ejes económicos del come... La Gran Transformación está destruyendo nuestros medios de vida y se supone que convertirá a las personas en robots avril 18, 2024  Por Alexander Markovics Inteligencia artificial (IA): casi ninguna otra palabra de moda se utiliza con más frecuencia cuando se trata de visiones de una sociedad de alta tecnología y progresista. No sólo se supone que nos facilitará la vida y nos quitará trabajo de encima: los visionarios más audaces del desarrollo tecnológico en Silicon Valley, como Raymond Kurzweil y Elon Musk, prometen incluso hacer realidad el viejo sueño fáustico de superar las limitaciones del cuerpo humano.
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La Gran Transformación está destruyendo nuestros medios de vida y se supone que convertirá a las personas en robots

Por Alexander Markovics Inteligencia artificial (IA): casi ninguna otra palabra de moda se utiliza con más frecuencia cuando se trata de v...

Heraus zum 1. Mai! DEMONSTRATION UM 15:00 IN AUE! In Aue gehört es bereits zur Tradition: Am 1. Mai stellen wir klar, dass der Tag der Arbeit nicht denen gehört, die auf Kosten der Steuerzahler und Gewerkschaftsmitglieder ihre vermeintlich schlauen linken Weisheiten verbreiten, sondern es der Tag derer ist, die in dieser Gesellschaft Werte schaffen und zum Dank für ihren Fleiß von der volksfeindlichen Obrigkeit täglich in den A*** getreten und ausgebeutet werden! Es steht ein spannendes und kurzweiliges Rednerprogramm (ca. 45-60 Minuten) mit unserem Hauptgast Andreas Kalbitz (Landtagsabgeordneter aus Brandenburg, ehem. AfD-Fraktionsvorsitzender) und ein daran anschließender Protest-Aufzug durch Aue auf dem Plan. Danach feiern wir auch unser einjähriges Jubiläum des "Sachsentreffs zum Kronprinzen" am Wettinerplatz! Dort wird es dann wieder Speis & Trank geben. Merkt euch den Termin vor und macht wieder fleißig Werbung im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis! FREIE SACHSEN im Erzgebirgskreis: @freie_erzgebirger
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