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LisaRonsick - God Wins 🇺🇸

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Repost from MJTruth
New MAGA AD - This is the Final Battle I’d like to take this opportunity to count all of Gods blessings since Trump took office up until this point… AFFIRMATIVE ACTION was Overturned today! Can you believe it???? Blessings! - They never thought she would lose. SHE LOST! - 3 SCOTUS picks - 300 Judges - ROE V WADE OVERTURNED! - Affirmative Action Overturned! - SPACE FORCE CREATED - Planned Parenthood organ harvesting exposed! - Climate Change Hoax Exposed, shot down by SCOTUS in West Virginia vs the EPA - SCOTUS Protects 2A constitutional carry! - MSM Mockingbird media exposed! - BIG Tech Exposed! - Elections being rigged EXPOSED! - ERIC George Soros Rolls Exposed & Taken out of Multiple States - MASSIVE Amounts of RESIGNATIONS! - Georgia Guidstones destroyed! -Embassy moved to Jerusalem - Abraham Accords - Exposure of school indoctrination of our children - Evil Exposed like never before! - The Explosion of human trafficking arrests - Big Pharma exposed! - Three letter agencies exposed (ongoing) - NWO exposed! - Pedo Island Exposed! Epstein WW clients (ongoing) - Awakened us to what’s in our food - Rhinos & deepstate exposed! - Disney EXPOSED! - Biolabs exposed! - Vaccines Exposed! - Chemtrails exposed! - BLM exposed! - George Soros exposed! - FTX Exposed - Child Trafficking Exposed! - Adrenochrome exposed! - EO 13848 extended, again - American spirit reignited🔥🇺🇸 - People Worldwide are Waking up every day! - Prince Philip & Queen Elizabeth are dead! - Evelyn De Rothschild, London Head of Banking Dynasty, Dead - Benjamin de Rothschild dead - Twitter Takeover, Parlor takeover, Truth Social, Rumble - Liz Cheney Dynasty ☠️! - McCain Dynasty ☠️ - Bush Dynasty ☠️ - We won the House! - We Fired Nancy Pelosi! +++ The Best part of all this is that we have all either gotten closer to God!!! Can I get an Amen?
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@Kir5sten I recently watched a video from dr Carrie madej who said don’t ever get a tetanus shot. It was a scam. It tried to find that video & it’s been removed. But I did find this one.
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Dr Carrie Madej: Tetanus Shot Was Purposefully Created By NIH & WHO To Cause Infertility!

Yes, we've been lied to about pretty much everything.

Repost from Kari Lake
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors makes potential legislative appointees pass a loyalty test to be considered to fill vacancies. Why do we let the five most corrupt people in the county run 63% of our state?
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Repost from The Justice League
ICYMI — Grammy Award-winning country artist Travis Tritt has banned Anheuser-Busch from his tour hospitality rider after transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney announced a brand partnership with Bud Light, one of Anheuser-Busch’s most popular alcoholic beverage lines. (Daily Caller)
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Thinking about the economy and how there is no sustainable way to stay on the petro dollar, the slave system, I have to wonder to myself if Biden is the Judas goat in God's scripted movie.  It's a catch 22. We can't stay in this system and  If the dollar were to collapse under Trump, the optics would be abysmal.  But why not let an ancient bumbling idiot take the fall and red pill the world while it happens? It's the revelation that will instantly make you realize that there's nothing to worry about. Just prepare, be comfy and buckle up. It doesn't mean it won't be difficult, but  we are on a collision course with the fall of Babylon and I've made my peace with that long ago.
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The Central Bank Digital currency talk is actually a huge red pill for normies all around the world. You can't buy, sell or truly own anything that's yours? They are just revealing their plan all along and making it easy for you, the anon, to awaken the sheep around you. Decades ago you would have been called a deranged conspiracy theorist if you mentioned this but now look how far we've come in just a short time. All is being unveiled for anyone with eyes to see. It's actually an amazing sight to behold. And the best part: They won't win. I know it.
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Everyone is getting so outraged all the time, constantly offended and distressed at the state of the world. Yes, it's been very exhausting and tiring to watch this all unfold but at the same time it's a special honor to be alive right now. In my opinion, you're watching a scripted movie designed by God to awaken the masses. Unveiling like never before. That doesn't mean that we don't participate in enacting change, far from it. But it does give me a steady belief that there's nothing that stop what is coming. That faith is an anchor in these trying times. If you don't have it, you're going to constantly feel weary, disheartened and troubled when perhaps you're not supposed to hold that entire burden. Give it over to God.
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Repost from MJTruth
Joe Biden Moved and Stored Unguarded Classified Documents in Chinatown! What!? 😂 After Chung’s testimony today to the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer stated that classified documents were discovered to be transported to several locations…. One being an office in Chinatown! It’s comical at this point. It’s like they’re BEGGING for everyone to make the connection between Joe Biden & China. 😂😂🤣
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