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Héart Téars🕊

Stress, Broken, Need Motivation and So on? Join sini dulu. Kita tenangkan fikiran dengan quotes-quotes yg ada. Luahan hati dari seorang hamba yang kerdil. Mix type quote for all. @heartears🕊

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Ikhlaskan hati, berdamai dengan diri sendiri. Tak perlu luah, biar simpan dalam hati. :) @heartears
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Rindu ❤️‍🩹 @heartears
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Menahan diri untuk tidak mencari tau bagaimana kabarmu adalah titik terakhirku untuk mengikhlaskanmu. @heartears
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Berdamai lah dengan semua perasaan :) @heartears
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Don't try to force anyone to stay. @heartears
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The only person who will be there for you is yourself. @heartears
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Jangan simpan seseorang dalam lagu. @heartears
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In the end, I only have me. Not us. @heartears
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ignoring toxic people is self care. 💆🏼‍♀️ @heartears
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But I've lost you along the journey to the end. 🤍 @heartears
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I'm sorry, I am still exploring with my life. :) @heartears
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I wanted to settle down with you truly and so badly, but you don't deserve any of my shit in this era of mine. You deserve so much more from me. :') @heartears
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I'm sorry I can't meet your expectation, but in reality I'm battling with my whole life every single fuckin' day just to survive. :'( @heartears
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I want to talk to you so badly, but i feel i don't deserve it. I hurt you so badly that makes me feel. I'm not good for you. :') @heartears
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Hello darkness my old friend.. @heartears
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I don't feel like myself again.. @heartears
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It's just a bad day, not a bad life.. @heartears
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Faking my smile on going forward, eventhough I have lost my reason to keep going. :) @heartears
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Hi, heartbreaks. We meet again. :') @heartears
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I wanted to text you, but I can't do it. I don't have the courage anymore for it. I've lost my word. @heartears
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pura pura tenang itu sakit @heartears
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penat la terhegeh hegeh cari dia balik. 😔 @heartears
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Repeating the same thing over and over again is not boring at all , not tiring at all. Just start to Wondering when will it end @heartears
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Always chasing you , wherever you go , whatever you do , whatever you say. You're not afraid , but I am @heartears
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Keep hating me and blaming me , you seems happy with it @heartears
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Push it all on me and never ever save me , let it drown @heartears
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You're not afraid of losing me , no wonder you were being quite brave these days @heartears
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Still trying to forget everything that I ever wanted from you. @heartears
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i'm trying my best to be okay but damn everyday is so hard @heartears
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The world is loud , And I wanna to get lost with you @heartears
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" You'll be fine , Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don't avoid it , see what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a deep breath , and you'll be fine. Even if you don't feel okay all the time. @heartears
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i miss you a lot, but it's okay. i'm fine @heartears
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dead inside but still smiling @heartears
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Assalamualaikum & Hi guys, I hope you guys doing well today. I just nak tulis dekat sini untuk peringatan kita bersama. I just wants to share apa yang i dah belajar for this past few weeks to all of you. I pun tak alim. But this is it, we near the end. It just a reminder, i hope it gives you the idea about life today. This is my take on this matter. I know it's very sensitive issue. But its bugging me so much as a Muslim if I'm not sharing this. It's very heartbreaking and saddening with everything that happened to this day. Kita tak minta pun ada, wujud dan hidup di zaman ni, tapi Allah choose us for a good reason. Only Him knows everything. Sebab Allah tahu kemampuan setiap satu hamba-Nya. ============================= Bila tengok conflict antara Palestin-Israel ni. Aku nampak bukan sekadar perang, ini adalah signal, untuk perkuatkan iman bagi umat islam di seluruh dunia. Tapi di Malaysia aku berduka cita, sebab apa? Sebab ramai harini yang tak sedar yang orang Yahudi itu lebih beriman kepada Syaitan untuk menyesatkan, daripada kita orang Islam yang lahir dalam agama Islam tapi tidak beriman kepada Allah, Rasul-Nya, Al-Quran & Hadis. Conflict bukan sekadar conflict, Agenda mereka membantai & merampas Palestin demi merealisasikan kemusnahan akidah untuk Umat Islam di Seluruh dunia under One World Government atau nama sekarang The New World Order. Teori bukan sekadar teori tidak berlandaskan fakta, bukan lagi konspirasi tapi sedarlah ini perkara yang benar dan sedang zahir di dunia terang lagi bersuluh. Kajilah semula sejarah kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil & Al-Quran. Sambungkanlah penghuraian setiap satu. Ikutilah sirah setiap Nabi Allah. Baginda  SAW  bersabda  yang bermaksud: "Pemakmuran  Baitul  Maqdis  merupakan  tanda kehancuran  Yathrib (Madinah),  kehancuran  Yathrib  merupakan  tanda  permulaan  al-Malhamah,  permulaan  al-Malhamah  merupakan  tanda  pembebasan  Kota Kostantinopel, pembebasan  Kota Konstantinopel  pula  adalah  tanda kemunculan  Dajjal." (Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud) Kita sedang menuju Al-Malhamah Al-Qubra, atau bahasa modern The Last Great War. May Allah guide us to the right path and only right path. Strengthen our imaan and give us the strength to do ibadah until the end. In sha Allah Amin🤲🏻 @heartears
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Suffocating. Too tired to live, too afraid to leave. 🙂 @Heartears
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Hello guys ! any update about your life ? miserable? happy? want to share ??Anonymous voting
  • I'm okay
  • nooooo im not okay 😩
  • gwenchanaaaa 😭
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