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Ethio Job ኢትዮ ስራ🎓🎓🎓🎓🎓

የስራ ማስታወቂያ ከጋዜጣ ፣ ከቲቪና ራዲዮ ፣ ከማስታወቂያ ቦርድ ፣ ከድህረ-ገፅና ከማህበራዊ ሚዲያና ከመሳሰሉት ቦታዎች በአንድ ቦታ ተሰብስበው ያግኙ::

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✨ውድ ˙·٠•●♥ⓜⓤⓛⓔ♥●•٠·˙ 📨የ እርስዎ መጋበዣ ሊንክ ይህ ነው👇 📊የጋበዙት ሰው ብዛት 0 ነው 📨ሰዎችን በመጋበዝ ብዙ ገንዘብ ያግኙ
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🎁 ይጋብዙ እና ገንዘብ ይስሩ ! - አንድ ሰው ሲጋብዙ 1 ብር ይሰራሉ ። 🔰 መጋበዣ ሊንክ : ✅ ዛሬውኑ ጀምሮ ገንዘብ ያካማቹ እና በቴሌብር ይቀበሉ ። ⚠️ NB : FAKE REFERRAL & MULTI ACCOUNT USERS NO PAYMENT !!!
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🔥የምስራች ሰበር ዜና 🔥፡- ሽልማቱ አድጓል የያጋሩ ይሸለሙ አሁንም ቀጥለናል ስንሎ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው ፡፡ ውድ ደንበኞቻችን በሁለተኛ ዙር የሸለምናቸውን ደንበኞች የምናሳውቅ ይሆናል ፡፡ #ሳፋሪኮም በመጀመሪያ ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብና መንግስት በተደረገልን ግብዣና መልካም አቀባበል ትልቅ ምስጋናን እያቀረብን ድርጅታችን የማህበረሰባችንን የዘመናዊ የቴሌኮም ችግርን ለመቅረፍ በሚደረገው ጥረት ውስጥ የሚጠበቅበትን ሀላፊነት ለመወጣት 10 ሚሊየን ዶላር በጀት መድቦ #ጥቅምት 15 የሚጠናቀቅ ልዩ የሆነ "ቤተሰባችንን ይቀላቀሉ" ፕሮግራም አዘጋጅቷል። በዚህም መሰረት የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ለሚቀላቀሉ እና ወደ ግሩፓችን ዘመድ ወዳጆቻቸውን ለሚጋብዙ የቴሌግራም ተጠቃሚዎች ልዩ የሆነ ሽልማት ተዘጋጅቷል። 1ኛ = ለ5,000 ሰዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው 5000 ብር እና ያልተገደበ የ1 ወር ነፃ የስልክና የዳታ ጥቅል። 2ኛ = ለ4000 ሰዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው 4000 ብር እንዲሁም ያልተገደበ የድምፅና የዳታ ጥቅል። 3ኛ = ለ2000 ሰዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው 2000 ብር የ1 ወር 4GB የኢንተርኔት ጥቅል። 4ኛ = ለ1000 ሰዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው 1000 ብር እና የ500 ደቂቃ ጥቅል። 5ኛ = ለ500 ሰዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው 500 ብር የ1GB የኢንተርኔት ጥቅልና የ250 ደቂቃ ጥቅል ለመስጠት ቅድመ ዝግጅቱን አጠናቋል። ........ ⓢⓐⓕⓐⓡⓘⓒⓞⓜ......... 🌼እስከ ጥቅምት 15 ድረስ ይሳተፉ🌼 📌 ያስተውሉ ለሽልማት እጩ ለመሆን መጀመሪያ በጥንቃቄ ያንብቡ !! ለመሸለም ይህንን መንገድ ይከተሉ 1, መጀመሪያ ከታች ባለው ማስፈንጠሪያ የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 2, በመቀጠል ይህንን መልዕክት ለ 50 ሰዎች ያጋሩ ። ከዚያም በመወያያ ግሩፓችን ላይ 200 ሰዎችን Add በማድረግ ያስገቡ ። ያስተውሉ Add የሚያደርጉት ሰው መጠን በጨመረ ቁጥር የእርስዎም ሽልማት በዛው ልክ ያድጋል ። ይህ ለሽልማቱ እጩ የሚያደርግዎት መስፈርት ነው ። 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 3, በመጨረሻም ስልክ ቁጥርዎትን ከታች ባለው የደንበኞች ሽልማት ማስተላለፊያ አካውንት ስልክ ቁጥርዎትን በመላክ ሽልማቱ ይደርሶታል 4, እስከ ጥቅምት 15 ድረስ ይሳተፉ ። መስፈርቱን በማሟላት የሽልማቱ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ ። መልካም አዲስ አመት ሳፋሪኮም ኢትዮጵያ @Safaricom_eth
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#SAFARICOM #SAFARICOM_ETHIOPIA Telecommunication Company

Microbiologist #lame_dairy_plc #natural_science #microbiology #microbiologist Addis Ababa MSc or BSc Degree in Microbiology or related field of study with similar working experience as a microbiologist Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #1_years Deadline: October 14, 2021 How To Apply: Qualified applicants are invited to bring their non-returnable copies of their credentials; updated CV, application letter & other supporting documents in person at Lame Dairy PLC Office, located around lam-beret near Total Ethiopia or on the Road from Megenaga to Gurdshola, in front of Century Mall. For further Information contact Tel. 0116460053/ 0116460062 Note: Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. @hahujobs @hahujobs_bot
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Finance Assistant (Re advertised) #international_rescue_committee_irc_ethiopia #finance #accounting #finance_assistant Somali, Bokolmayo BA degree or Diploma in Accounting field of study & having International NGO experience with SUN system application is an advantage Competence:- - Basic computer knowledge (word and excel) - Good communication and interpersonal skill - Basic English spoken and writing - Somali language is advantageous Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years Deadline: April 16, 2021 How To Apply: Follow the link Your application letter/cover letter must include the following information: - Name of the position you have applied for - Date of application - Summary of your qualifications and experience - Motivation/objective of why you have applied for the job - Permanent Address and present address (if different from permanent) and telephone number if possible also email address - Disclose any family relationships with existing IRC employees NB: Please include 3 references from current and former employers. Applications will not be returned. IRC discourages phone calls or personal visits. Only applicants meeting the minimum qualification will be short listed and contacted.
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Finance Assistant

About The IRCWe are, one of the world’s largest humanitarian international Non-Governmental organizations, providing relief, rehabilitation and develo...

Finance Assistant (Re advertised) #international_rescue_committee_irc_ethiopia #finance #accounting #finance_assistant Somali, Bokolmayo BA degree or Diploma in Accounting field of study & having International NGO experience with SUN system application is an advantage Competence:- - Basic computer knowledge (word and excel) - Good communication and interpersonal skill - Basic English spoken and writing - Somali language is advantageous Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years Deadline: April 16, 2021 How To Apply: Follow the link Your application letter/cover letter must include the following information: - Name of the position you have applied for - Date of application - Summary of your qualifications and experience - Motivation/objective of why you have applied for the job - Permanent Address and present address (if different from permanent) and telephone number if possible also email address - Disclose any family relationships with existing IRC employees NB: Please include 3 references from current and former employers. Applications will not be returned. IRC discourages phone calls or personal visits. Only applicants meeting the minimum qualification will be short listed and contacted.
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Finance Assistant

About The IRCWe are, one of the world’s largest humanitarian international Non-Governmental organizations, providing relief, rehabilitation and develo...

⭕️Mechanical Engineer Yonab construction Project BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering field of study with CGPA above 3.0 Quanitity Required: 2 Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years 🛑Deadline: April 16, 2021 To Apply: In person to the following address: around Urael church, on 150 meters distance to Atlas Road, Awash Insurance Building 3rd floor, to Human Resource Management Department Tel. 0115620087 Website: P.O Box 101125 Addis Ababa ❗️እራሶንና ወገኖን ከኮሮና ቫይረስ ይጠብቁ | Protect your self and others from covid19
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አባይ ባንክ አባይ ባንክ የስራ ማስታወቂያ አውጥቷል ከላይ በፎቶ ተያይዟል መረጃውን #Share /ሸር/ በማድረግ ለሌሎችም ስራ አጥተው ለሚንከራተቱ ወገኖቻችን እናካፍል። መልካምነት ለራስ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለሌሎችም ማሰብ ነው። ሌሎች የስራ ማስታወቂያዎችን ለማየት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጫኑት 👇👇👇
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🛎ልዮ ስልጠና አፍሪካን ቴክ ቪዥን ለሴት ስራ ፈጣሪዎች የ6 ሳምንት ልዮ ስልጠና ስኬታማ በሆኑ የአፍሪካ ዲያስፓራ አባላት ይሰጣል ። ስልጠናው የሚሰጠው በ #ነፃ ሲሆን ከዓለም አቀፍ ባለሙያዎች እና ስኬታማ ሥራ ፈጣሪዎች ጋር ግንኙነቶችን ለመመስረት ይጠቅማል። African Tech vision is planning to give a 6 weeks top-notch mentorship program for female entrepreneurs, by very successful fellows from the African diaspora . The training is #FREE and help you establish relationships and a network with global experts and successful entrepreneurs. To apply: Info about African Tech Vision ❗️እራሶንና ወገኖን ከኮሮና ቫይረስ ይጠብቁ | Protect your self and others from covid19
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