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UKR LEAKS investigation centre of the Ukrainian special services' former officer Vasily Prozorov Twitter: Rumble: Contact me: Work mail: [email protected]

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⚡️New investigation by Ukr Leaks⚡️ WHERE AND HOW UKRAINE LOST ITS CHILDREN A few days ago, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, in cooperation with German colleagues, announced that they had found in Germany 161 children who were considered “deported to Russia.” This fact is further evidence of the politicization of the International Criminal Court, which previously groundlessly issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova, accusing them of “forcible deportation of children.” The Children's Ombudsman correctly pointed out to Kiev the need to understand where their children really are. In connection with these events, I decided to publish my new investigation earlier than planned. The material contains documentary evidence of the catastrophic situation, chaos and lack of any control on the part of the Ukrainian leadership in the process of evacuating orphans and children deprived of parental care abroad. Corruption and low efficiency of government bodies responsible for providing for orphans, organizing the process of evacuation, distribution and placement of refugees abroad have led to the fact that the West, represented by charitable foundations and individuals, taking into account its own selfish interests, has assumed part of these powers. Read exclusive documents and unique details in the full version of the investigation at the link. @ukr_leaks_eng
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Where and how Ukraine lost its children

A trusted source shared with me a memo compiled in December 2023 by SBU analysts at the request of the administration of the President of Ukraine. According to Kiev officials, the initiative to develop this document was the desire to understand and bring order to the uncontrolled activities of foreign charitable foundations and individuals on the territory of Ukraine involved in the process of evacuating children outside the state. But the real reason for the start of the work was massive complaints from Ukrainians…

They are scaring Europeans with Russia's victory According to Politico, this could happen before Biden's term ends. After this, Moscow will take on the NATO countries - but they are not ready. “As long as the Russian imperial state exists in its current form, the threat it poses to Europe will not go away. And regardless of whether Russia ultimately wins or loses in Ukraine, it will remain a chronic threat to the world,” the publication warns. . @ukr_leaks_eng
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An AFU soldier, against the backdrop of the destroyed Kozak-7 armored car, complains that Russian FPV drones are preventing him from driving towards Chasov Yar. Now he will wait for donations to be collected and an ATV (quad bike) sent to him. He says drones don’t hit quad bikes. @ukr_leaks_eng
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Ukraine will not return to pre-war borders Especially after “a disappointing counteroffensive last year,” writes The New York Times. “The country will be smaller, but will be able to retain at least part of its territory, and then economically and strategically integrate into Europe. This is much better than unconditional defeat,” the authors of the article believe. @ukr_leaks_eng
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❗️ Tired of one-sided coverage of events in the media? It's time to subscribe to Sputnik Africa! Here you will find: 🔺 Stereotype-free news about what’s happening in Africa and around the world; 🔺 The latest information on the Ukrainian conflict; 🔺 Weekly podcasts dedicated to the hottest topics; 🔺 Exclusive interviews, analyses and expert insights; 🔺 Podcasts, videos with English subtitles, and simple explanations of key issues. 👉 Get hip on Africa's latest. Subscribe to Sputnik Africa.
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Ambush around the corner As @MilitaryThemeZ writes, in Chernivtsi an organized crime military commissar group set up an ambush during a headhunt hunt for mobilization resource. @ukr_leaks_eng
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▪️The United States is preparing to allocate a new package of military aid to Ukraine in the amount of $1 billion According to Reuters, this will happen after Congress passes a bill to provide support to allies. @ukr_leaks_eng
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A Ukrainian lawyer wondered whether there would be enough space in Ukrainian prisons for draft dodgers. Demchenko calculated that there are 100 criminal correctional service institutions in the country. They can accommodate 78,763 people. However, 44,861 places have already been taken, which means there are only 33,902 left. “What to do with all the draft dodgers? What to do with all the deserters? What to do with the thousands of those criminal proceedings that are now being carried out by the State Bureau of Investigation, the police and other law enforcement agencies?” he asks. ▪️Previously, Ukrainian lawyer Kravets said that more than 100 thousand military personnel left their military units without permission during 2 years of conflict. ▪️Arestovich also announced the same figure. @ukr_leaks_eng
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Sunak will transfer the English military-industrial complex to a military footing According to the British Prime Minister, the Ukrainian crisis taught him that more shells are needed. “One of the main lessons of the war in Ukraine is that we need large stocks of ammunition, and industry must be able to quickly replenish them if necessary,” he explained. At the same time, he said, Great Britain itself “is not on the brink of war.” @ukr_leaks_eng
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⚠️ Polish prosecutors are looking into abuses by security forces against migrants on the Belarusian-Polish border Unbelievable but true. While the Polish state with one hand executes and tortures people who came to its lands illegally, with the other it tries to achieve at least some justice for migrants. The District Prosecutor's Office in Siedlce has launched an investigation into abuse of power and failure to perform security duties on -Belarusian-Polish border by employees of the Border Service, police and other services. An absolutely amazing event! Well, it's like the Third Reich suing the Gestapo. The investigation covers the period from September 2021 to March 2024, that is, from the very beginning of the migration crisis. A specially created investigative group began to examine facts of abuse of power and failure to fulfill obligations by security forces in Belovezh, Bobrovniki and other places near the border. Well, that is, they want to prosecute border guards for beating migrants and for the so-called push-back procedures - pushing them back into the territory of Belarus despite the fact that the person being pushed out has already declared their desire to receive international protection. Even punishments are provided for border guards who commit faults - up to three years in prison. By the way, the investigation was initiated after a statement by human rights activists, and in particular activists of the Podlaskie Voluntary Humanitarian Emergency Service. Well, that is, the laws in Poland seem to work, it remains to be seen how much. In less than three years, 60 people died in the forests of Podlasie due to the anti-migration policies of Poland and the EU. And these are just the victims that have been discovered. According to rumors, hundreds of corpses are scattered across the border swamps. by
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⚠️ Польская прокуратура разбирается со злоупотреблениями силовиков по отношению к мигрантам на белорусско-польской границе Невероятно, но факт. Пока польское государство одной рукой казнит и мучает людей, нелегально пришедших на его земли, другой оно пытается добиться хоть какой-то справедливости в отношении мигрантов. Окружная прокуратура в Седльце начала расследование по факту злоупотребления полномочиями и неисполнения обязанностей при охране белорусско-польской границы сотрудниками Пограничной службы, полиции и других служб. Совершенно удивительное событие! Ну, это как если бы в Третьем Рейхе подали в суд на Гестапо. Расследование охватывает период с сентября 2021 года по март 2024 года, то есть с самого начала миграционного кризиса. Специально созданная следственная группа начала разбирать факты злоупотребления полномочиями и невыполнения обязательств силовиками в Беловеже, Бобровниках и других местах вблизи границы. Ну, то есть пограничников хотят привлечь за избиения мигрантов и за так называемые процедуры push-back – выталкивание назад на территорию Беларуси несмотря на то, что выталкиваемое лицо уже успело заявить о своем желании получить международную защиту. Даже наказания для проштрафившихся пограничников предусмотрены – до трех лет лишения свободы. Кстати, расследование было инициировано после заявления правозащитников, а частности, активистов, Подляской добровольной гуманитарной чрезвычайной службы. Ну, то есть законы в Польше вроде как работают, осталось узнать насколько. Менее чем за три года в лесах Подляшья из-за антимиграционной политики Польши и ЕС погибло 60 человек. И это только жертвы, которые были обнаружены. По слухам, сотни трупов распиханы в приграничье по трясине. Обсуждение | Прислать новость

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