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Repost from Family Matters
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Casa de nebuni. Nu poți să nu-i dai dreptate unui lider al AfD, care acuză actuala conducere a Germaniei că urmărește nici mai mult, nici mai puțin decât "Auslöschung des deutschen Volkes", adică desființarea poporului german.
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Repost from The End Times
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Această studentă (cu care suntem în legătură de câteva luni) își face cercetarea pentru licență pe subiectul revenirii mamelor la muncă, după concediul de creștere a copilului. Am dori să o sprijinim. Vă rog trimiteți chestionarul ei oricui credeți că ar putea ajuta. Mulțumim!
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✍️ SPUC's Daniel Frampton writes in The European Conservative about 'Europe's Missing Children': "A schizophrenic mania is at large in the West that claims to cherish and protect vulnerable individuals and groups while at the same time killing many of them behind the closed doors of the home and clinic."
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Repost from IMPERIVM
“The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.” ~G. K. Chesterton IMPERIVM
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One of the best ways to improve your marriage is to quietly improve yourself.
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„În timpul dictaturii, într-o seară m-am dus la universitate cu Biblia, cartea fundamentală a omenirii și portăreasa facultății mi-a zis: „Domnule Alexandru, eu sunt fată de popă, de preot, și să știți că ăștia vă ridică în noaptea asta. Eu v-aș sfătui să vă duceți acasă.” Și am zis: „Măicuță, mulțumesc de grijă, eu mă duc să văd în amfiteatru dacă mă așteaptă cineva.” - Ioan Alexandru
Show all... "As I listened more and more to my wife, I realized how God made women more attentive, more tender, and more considerate. But this results is a greater intensity of suffering than most men ever realize, or could realize. And that she will generally not speak of these sorrows, unless the husband makes time to truly listen to her. So I listened, not as I would towards another man and give solutions, but I let her explain how she was doing. At times, I would ask probing questions to draw out what she was feeling, helping her articulate what was troubling her, and making sure I did not fall into my default setting of dismissing her troubles as insignificant. As I came to better understand the sorrows which were piercing the heart of my wife, I realized that most women feel this way. Even Our Lady had her heart pierced many times."
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Repost from Ryan Katsu Rivera
“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaias 54 : 13
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"Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice." "Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision." ~Erich Fromm
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Ofițerii au intrat în locul care găzduiește evenimentul și au transmis o decizie judecătorească prin care se cere oprirea conferinței pe motiv că pune în pericol siguranța publică. Potrivit The Telegraph, documentul sugera că discursurile unor personalități precum Nigel Farage și Suella Braverman ar putea crea la dezordine publică sau ar putea prezenta opinii rasiste și homofobe. ADF International a susținut o contestație juridică de urgență după ce poliția de la Bruxelles a închis conferința NatCon. Forțele de ordine au dat vina pe opiniile despre avort, căsătorie și Uniunea Europeană.
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The Eifel tower lights up to celebrate abortion being being enshrined in the French constitution Of course the ideology that began with beheading nuns is going to have a celebration for killing babies
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Germania a adoptat legea „autodeterminării”, pentru persoanele transgender, intersexuale și nonbinare. Copiii cu vârsta peste 14 ani își pot schimba sexul și numele, fără acordul părinților
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🚨 Court to Consolidate Lawsuits Alleging Baby Food Makers Knew Products Were Contaminated With Heavy Metals The lawsuits, originally filed in 6 different districts allege children who consumed the companies’ baby food suffered brain injuries resulting in autism spectrum disorder + ADHD. ⬇️
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