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Beeksisa Ariifachiisaa!Urgent (14/8/2016) Dhaabaani keenya ji'oota ja'an darbaniif sheerii hundeessitootaa gurguraa turuun isaa ni yaadatama. Haaluma kanaan yeroon gurgurtaa Kun xumuramee guyyootni 5 duwwaan kan hafan yoo ta'u miseensota haga ammàa sheerii bitatan Adeemsa seera qabeessaan gara Waldichaatti simachuuf Qaama dhimmi ilaalu biratti dhiyaannee dabalamuu miseensota kanneenii mirkaneessuutu nurraa eegama. Kanaafuu Miseensota buleeyyii dambii ittiin bulmaataa mirkaneessitan dabalatee miseensonni haaraan nundi mallattoo keessan qaamaan ykn Kara bakka bu'iinsaa kaa'uu waan qabaniif haldureewwan asii gaditti taa'an yeroo Torbee lama(haga eebila 30tti) keessatti akka raawwattan cimsinee isin yaadachiifna. 1. Fageenyarratti kan argamtan Fi qaamaan dhiyaattanii mallatteessuu kan hin dandeenye bakka bu'iinsaa namoota armaan gadiif; A. Obbo Darajjee Dheeressaa Teessoof( Prezidentii Boordii) B. B/saa Dhaabaa Siyyum(Hoji geggeessaa)f kennuun origional bakka bu'iinsa keessanii, suura 2, Unka Aksiyoona ittiin bittan, Nagahee kaffaltii hunda Origional isaa Fi Waraqaa eenyummaa haarome copy isaa yeroo jedhame keessatti gara biiroo keenyaatti akka Nuuf ergitan. 2. Namootni qaamaan argamanii mallatteessuu dandeessan Waraqaa eenyummaa haarome origional Fi copy, nagahee kaffaltii ittiin raawwattan, qabattanii dhufuun guyyàa isiniif kenname keessatti harcaatii tokko malee mallatteessuuf akka of qopheessitan. 3. Lakkoofsa kaffalaa gibiraa(TIN number) Waajjira daldalaa isinitti dhiyoo jiru deemuun akka baafattan Fi Waraqaa eenyummaa Digitaalaa(Fayda) galmaahuun Lakkoofsa Fayda keessanii Nuuf dhiyeessuutu isinirraa eegama. 4. Miseensonni kaffaltii ofirraa hin xumuriin jirtan kamuu yeroo isiniif kenname keessatti guutummaa isaa ofirraa xumuruun miseensummaa keessan mirkaneeffachuuf akka of qopheessitan cimsinee isin yaadachiifna. Hub. Haldureewwan asii olitti taa'an miseensi raawwachuu hin dandeenye kamuu gara Waldaa Aksiyoona keenyaatti kan hin dabalamne ta'uu beektanii itti gaafatamummaa isinirra jiru akka bahattan cimsinee isin yaadachiifna. Adeemsa seerri biyyattii nurraa barbaadu hunda guuttannee Kara iftoomina qabuun mul'ata keenya ni milkeessina!!! W.A Dinigaas Trading!
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👏 4
የስራው መጠሪያ: Educational sector Managing Director የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ፕሮጀክት_ማኔጅመንት_እና_አስተዳደር የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: ሁለተኛ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: April 25th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: Overview Dinigaas Trading s.c is accompany works on multi sectoral investment including Educational sector to satisfy its objective of establishments. The Educational Sector Director under the company is a highly pivotal role responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of an educational institution's operations, policies, and programs. This position typically requires a deep understanding of educational principles, organizational management, and strategic planning. Educational background and experience Masters and above in Education Planning and Management, Educational Leadership, Educational Policy, Curriculum and Instructions & Education Economy background with relevant work experiences in managing educational sector for a minimum of 5/Five year and above. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Strategic Planning: - Develop long-term strategic plans for the educational institution in alignment with its mission and vision. - Identify key objectives and performance indicators to measure the institution's progress. 2. Financial Management: - Oversee budget planning and financial management to ensure the institution's financial sustainability. - Allocate resources effectively to support all educational programs and initiatives. 3. Policy Development: - Develop and implement policies that adhere to educational standards, regulations, and best practices. - Ensure compliance with local, state, and national educational regulations. 4. Program Development: - Evaluate existing educational programs and curricula to enhance student learning outcomes. - Introduce new programs and initiatives that align with the institution's educational objectives. 5. Staff Management: - Provide leadership and guidance to academic and administrative staff. - Recruit, train, and evaluate faculty and staff members to maintain high educational standards. 6. Community Engagement: - Build relationships with parents, students, community organizations, and local authorities. - Represent the institution at educational conferences, meetings, and events. 7. Continuous Improvement: - Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs through data analysis and feedback. - Implement strategies for continuous improvement and innovation in teaching and learning. Qualifications and Skills: - Experience area: Previous experience in educational leadership roles, such as school principal or academic dean, - Language: Fluently speak English, Afaan Oromoo and Amharic - Leadership Skills: Strong leadership abilities to inspire and motivate staff members towards achieving educational goals. - Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills to engage with stakeholders, build relationships, and deliver presentations. - Organizational Skills: Ability to manage multiple projects, prioritize tasks, and maintain a focus on educational excellence. __________________ Dinigaas Trading s.c [የተመዘገበ ድርጅት ✅] 3 ስራ ለጥፈዋል በ፡ @afriworkamharic የቀረበ | @freelanceethbot ይመዝገቡ ለእንግሊዘኛ ቻናላችን @freelance_ethio ይቀላቀሉ
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:// Link kanaan garee Albright Academy promote gochuuf baname seenuun hiriyoota keessan yoo Xiqqaate 100 Add taasisuun namoota heedduu bira gahuu akka dandeenyu nugargaaraa
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Albright Academy

Baga nagaan gara Albright Academy tti nagaan dhuftan! Hiriyoota keessan nama 100 garee kanatti dabaluun badhaafamaa! እንኳን ወደ አዲሱ የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፓችን በሰላም መጣችሁ:: ጓደኞቻችሁን በመጋበዝ ይሸለሙ!

Beeksisa hojii kanaaf CV keessan haalaan qopheeffachuun Apply taasisaa. Keessumaa Sadarkaa barnootaa Educational leadershiptiin Masters fi muuxannoo hooggansaa kan qabdan, bakka kanaaf gahumsa kan qabdan of hin dabarsiinaa!
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የስራው መጠሪያ: Educational sector managing directro የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ፕሮጀክት_ማኔጅመንት_እና_አስተዳደር የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: ሁለተኛ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: April 25th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: Overview Dinigaas Trading s.c is accompany works on multi sectoral investment including Educational sector to satisfy its objective of establishments. The Educational Sector Director under the company is a highly pivotal role responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of an educational institution's operations, policies, and programs. This position typically requires a deep understanding of educational principles, organizational management, and strategic planning. Educational Level BA and above in educational leadership, and managements with relevant work experiences in managing schools, minimum of 5/Five year and above. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Strategic Planning: - Develop long-term strategic plans for the educational institution in alignment with its mission and vision. - Identify key objectives and performance indicators to measure the institution's progress. 2. Financial Management: - Oversee budget planning and financial management to ensure the institution's financial sustainability. - Allocate resources effectively to support all educational programs and initiatives. 3. Policy Development: - Develop and implement policies that adhere to educational standards, regulations, and best practices. - Ensure compliance with local, state, and national educational regulations. 4. Program Development: - Evaluate existing educational programs and curricula to enhance student learning outcomes. - Introduce new programs and initiatives that align with the institution's educational objectives. 5. Staff Management: - Provide leadership and guidance to academic and administrative staff. - Recruit, train, and evaluate faculty and staff members to maintain high educational standards. 6. Community Engagement: - Build relationships with parents, students, community organizations, and local authorities. - Represent the institution at educational conferences, meetings, and events. 7. Continuous Improvement: - Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs through data analysis and feedback. - Implement strategies for continuous improvement and innovation in teaching and learning. Qualifications and Skills: - Educational Background: Typically requires a master's or doctoral degree in education, educational leadership, or a related field. - Experience: Previous experience in educational leadership roles, such as school principal or academic dean, is often required. - Leadership Skills: Strong leadership abilities to inspire and motivate staff members towards achieving educational goals. - Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills to engage with stakeholders, build relationships, and deliver presentations. - Organizational Skills: Ability to manage multiple projects, prioritize tasks, and maintain a focus on educational excellence. __________________ Dinigaas Trading s.c [የተመዘገበ ድርጅት ✅] 2 ስራ ለጥፈዋል በ፡ @afriworkamharic የቀረበ | @freelanceethbot ይመዝገቡ ለእንግሊዘኛ ቻናላችን @freelance_ethio ይቀላቀሉ
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👍 5
Oduu dansaa!!! Waadaa keenya eeguuf ammallee hojiitti jirra. Share holder management system software (SHMS)n keenya version jalqabaa guutummaa guutuutti xumuramee hojiif qophaa'ee hojiitti galaa jira. Odeeffannoon miseensota keenyaa haalaan ni qindeeffama. Siistema kana online deploy yeroo taasifnu ammoo bakka barbaaddan teessanii sheerii bitachuu Fi Certificate keessan battaluma fudhachuu akka dandeessan ni ta'a. Kun Adeemsa qabiinsa sanada Fi iftoomina dhaabbatichaa keessatti Bu'aa buusuun cinatti hojimaata dhaabbata keenyaaf jijjiirama guddaa kan fidu dha.
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Maqaa Mana barumsaa irratti waan haaraa! Yeroo darbe filannoo maqaa akka taasiftan carraa isiniif kennuun keenya ni yaadatama. Haaluma kanaan maqaa businessf ta'u, maqaa hawwataa Fi hunda galeessa ta'u Nuuf filattan keessaa maqaa sadii:- 1. Nation Academy, 2. Synergy Academy Fi 3. Albright Academy jedhaman filannee galeessa maqaa daldalaaf Waajjira daldalaa geessinee jirra. Waajjirri daldalaas maqaa hin qabamiin jiru ilaaluun x Albright Academy " Nuuf mirkaneessee jira. Kanaafuu maqaan mana barumsaa keenya Albright Academy jedhamee waamama. Kana jechuun Waldaa Aksiyoona Dinigaas Tredingi tti Albright Academy ti. Abbaa Fi ilma akka jechuu ti. Manneen barnoota bakkeewwan biirootti babal'atanis maqaama kana kan fayyadamtan yoo ta'u Sadarkaa Muummichaatti Daarektera sektera barnootaatiin hoogganamu. Sadarkaa mana barnootaattis hooggansi of danda'e Fi Daarektera waliigalaaf waamamu ni jiraata. Galatoomaa
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👍 5
Eebila 9/2016Guyyàa har'aa ogeeyyiin supervision Waajjira barnoota K/M Gafarsa Gujee mana barnootaa keenya keessatti argamuun haala qophii irra jirru daawqatanii jiru. Standardii ijaarsa Daree barnootaa dinqisiifachuun haldureewwan qophiif nibarbaachisan kan biroos gahumsaan akka qophoofnu kallattiin to Nuuf kennanii jiru. Miseensi Boordii Daarekterootaa W.A Dinigaas Obbo Zalalem argamanii karoora dhaabbanni keenya qabatee lafaa ka'e Fi Adeemsa gara fuulduraa irratti odeeffannoo hubannoof ta'u kennaniiru. W.A. Dinigaas
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