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ZSecuredTech-Cybersecurity Training & Consultancy

ዘ-ሴክውርድቴክ ኢትዮጵያዊ አለምአቀፋዊ ድርጅት 🌐we have partnership with the industry's leading brands including the brithis computer society ,ISAAC , (ISC)2, CISCO,Fortiner,Microsoft .

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Faris Mubarek on LinkedIn: #cybersecurity #zsecuredtech #auctionethiopia #iso9001standard…

Strengthening Quality Standards: Partnership Between Auction Ethiopia and ZSecuredTech Plc In a significant move towards bolstering quality management…

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Addis Ababa University Lecture by Ato Faris Part 2 #aau #lecture #cybersecurity #addisababa

The Training will be given by Mr. Faris Mubarek who has more than two decades of experiences as an ICT practitioner, ISO Consultant, and within Governance Risk, Compliance and Integrated Risk Management in the telecoms, technology, and Healthcare Sectors. He has managed information Security for financial industry, Cybersecurity, and Information Assurance Manager for healthcare audited, implemented, and trained ISO27001/9001 for UK based businesses. The training will be given for 5 consecutive weeks and it will be on Fundamentals Cyber security. All Participants of the training will be awarded with certificate. The trainees will be provided with trainings and practice sessions that will help them understand the concepts of study. - ❇️ መመዝገብ ለምትፈልጉ፡ 1. Google Form(Online): 👉

2. ከታች በተዘረዘሩት ስልኮች ደውለው መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። 👉 0967315026 👉 0912200230 👉0924036772 3. በአካል ቢሮ በምጣት። #አድራሻ፦ ቦሌ ኦሮምያ ሕንጻ 2ተኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 210፡፡ ከሰኞ እስከ ቅዳሜ ቢሮአችን ክፍትነው!!! ❇️እናመሰግናል❇️ @ZSecuredTech

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Cybersecurity Unleashed - A Thrilling Session at Addis Ababa University

Last Saturday, I had a thrilling session with MSc students as a guest lecturer at Addis Ababa University. During our interactive session, we explored “Emerging Technology challenges in cybersecurity and Solutions to overcome” As a cybersecurity professional, I didn't just talk but sparked a dynamic

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Addis Ababa University Lecture by Ato Faris Part 1 #aau #lecture #cybersecurity #addisababa

The Training will be given by Mr. Faris Mubarek who has more than two decades of experiences as an ICT practitioner, ISO Consultant, and within Governance Risk, Compliance and Integrated Risk Management in the telecoms, technology, and Healthcare Sectors. He has managed information Security for financial industry, Cybersecurity, and Information Assurance Manager for healthcare audited, implemented, and trained ISO27001/9001 for UK based businesses. The training will be given for 5 consecutive weeks and it will be on Fundamentals Cyber security. All Participants of the training will be awarded with certificate. The trainees will be provided with trainings and practice sessions that will help them understand the concepts of study. - ❇️ መመዝገብ ለምትፈልጉ፡ 1. Google Form(Online): 👉

2. ከታች በተዘረዘሩት ስልኮች ደውለው መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። 👉 0967315026 👉 0912200230 👉0924036772 3. በአካል ቢሮ በምጣት። #አድራሻ፦ ቦሌ ኦሮምያ ሕንጻ 2ተኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 210፡፡ ከሰኞ እስከ ቅዳሜ ቢሮአችን ክፍትነው!!! ❇️እናመሰግናል❇️ @ZSecuredTech

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Unravelling Cybersecurity – Why Humans Are the Weakest Link? -Part two

Social Engineering's Psychological Game “Cyber-security is much more than a matter of IT.” Social Engineering's Psychological Campaign, which exposes the Silent Threat in Cybersecurity.

⚡️⚡️ Free Training Opportunity⚡️⚡️ በ Tourism management, በ Hospitality management እንዲሁም በ Event management ነፃ ስልጠና Jobra Education consultant ከ ZSecured Tech ጋር በጋራ በመሆን አዘጋጅተዋል ትምህርቱን ለመከታተል 💎ዲፕሎማ እና ከዛ በላይ የትምህርት ደረጃ እና 💎ከምትሰሩበት ድርጅት የድጋፍ ደብዳቤ ማቅረብ የሚችል መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ እና ፍላጎት ያላችሁ ከታች ባለው ፎርም ሊንክ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ ⏰ምዝገባ የሚያልቅበት ቀን: ታህሳስ 5, 2016 E.C. // December 15, 2023 G.C. ስልጠናው የሚሰጥበት ቀን: ቅዳሜ ታህሳስ 6, 2016 E.C./ December 2023, ከ ከጥዋቱ 3:00 እከ 7:00 ሰርተፍኬት ለማግኘት ሙሉ ስልጠናውን መከታተል እና በሰአቱ መገኘት አለባችሁ 📍 አድራሻ:- ቦሌ ብራስ, Oromia Tower 2ተኛ ፎቅ , ቢሮ ቁጥር 210
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Faris Mubarek on LinkedIn: Unravelling Cybersecurity - Why Humans Are the Weakest Link?

#Human-the-Weakest Link #cybercrime #cyberdefense #cybersecurityawareness #phishing #phishingawareness #phishingattacks #zsecuredtech

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The Information Economy and Cybersecurity

What is the Information Economy? The production, distribution, and consumption of information and knowledge in a society is called the information economy. The Information Economy The information economy is purely based on digital (0 and 1) technologies, such as the internet, computers, mobile phone

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It's Challenge Time! 💡🔌 Ready to put your tech knowledge to the test and have some fun? Let's do it! 🌐🤓 Challenge of the Day: 💻🕵️‍♂️ We're throwing you a tech riddle. Solve it in the comments below: "I'm a 7-letter word. You read me daily. My first 5 letters are a part of 'device you use to stay connected.' My last 3 letters mean 'near the sea.' What am I?" Think you've got it? Comment your answer and challenge a friend to join in. 👇💬 Get it right, and you could win a surprise tech prize! 🎁👥 Let's see who the real tech geniuses are in our community. Ready, set, solve! 🚀💼 #TechChallenge #TechRiddle #ZsecuredTech #BrainTeaser
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