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Vocabulary kitob InshaAlloh foydali😊 Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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🔸️appliance - asbob, anjom 🔸️basin - rakovina 🔸️broom - supurgi 🔸️caterpillar - kapalak qurti 🔸️cupboard - shikaf 🔸️delicate - nozik, nimjon 🔸️emerge - paydo bo'lmoq 🔸️handicap - kamchilik 🔸️hook - ilgak 🔸️hop - sakramoq 🔸️laundry - kir 🔸️pursue - ketidan quvmoq 🔸️reluctant - xoxlamaydigan 🔸️sleeve - yeng 🔸️spine - umurtqa 🔸️stain - dog' 🔸️strip - tasma 🔸️swear - ont ichmoq 🔸️swing - urmoq 🔸️utilize - foydalanmoq Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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PREDLOGLAR Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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Gullar ingliz tilida✅ Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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📘 IELTS 4000 Academic Words 📋 #Word_List 3️⃣1️⃣ 🔰vapor – bug',par. 🧠Meaning: moisture in the air that can be seen; fog. 🍀Ma'nosi: havoda ko'rinadigan namlik; tuman. 🌀Example: Scientists have devised methods for trapping vapor in bottles so they can study its make-up. 💡Misol: Olimlar uning tarkibini o'rganish uchun shishalarda bug'ni ushlab qolish usullarini o'ylab topishdi. 🔰eliminate – yoq qilmoq, olib tashlamoq. 🧠Meaning: get rid of. 🍀Ma'nosi: tugatmoq. 🌀Example: When figuring the cost of a car, eliminate such extras as air conditioning. 💡Misol: Avtomobil narxini aniqlayotganda, konditsioner kabi qo'shimchalarni olib tashlang. 🔰villainyovuz, badkirdor. 🧠Meaning: a very wicked person. 🍀Ma'nosi: juda yomon odam. 🌀Example: When the villain fell down the well, everyone lived happily ever after. 💡Misol: Yovuz odam quduqga qulab tushgandan song, hamma baxtli yashadi. 🔰dense – zich. 🧠Meaning: closely packed together; thick. 🍀Ma'nosi: bir-biriga chambarchas boglangan; qalin. 🌀Example: The dense leaves on the trees let in a minimum of sunlight. 💡Misol: Daraxtlardagi zich barglar quyosh nuri tushishiga yo'l qo'ymaydi. 🔰utilize – foydalanmoq. 🧠Meaning: make use of 🍀Ma'nosi: ishlatmoq yoki qollamoq. 🌀Example: No one seems willing to utilize this vacant house. 💡Misol: Hech kim bu bo'sh uydan foydalanishni xohlamaydi. Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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Finch Year: 2021 Duration: 115 min Rating: 8.2 Quality: 480p Subtitle: English Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama, Adventure On a post-apocalyptic Earth, a robot, built to protect the life of his dying creator's beloved dog, learns about life, love, friendship, and what it means to be human. Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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📘 IELTS 4000 Academic Words 📋 #Word_List 3️⃣0️⃣ 🔰visible - ko'rinadigan 🧠Meaning: able to be seen. 🍀Ma'nosi: ko'rish mumkin. 🌀Example: You need a powerful lens to make some germs visible. 💡Misol: Ba'zi mikroblarni ko'rinadigan qilish uchun sizga kuchli linzalar kerak bo'ladi. 🔰blend - aralashma, qorishma 🧠Meaning: mix together thoroughly. 🍀Ma'nosi: yaxshilab aralashtirish. 🌀Example: The colors of the rainbow blend into one another. 💡Misol: Kamalak ranglari bir biriga aralashib ketadi. 🔰persuade - ishontirmoq, ko'ndirmoq. 🧠Meaning: make willing. 🍀Ma'nosi: ishontirish. 🌀Example: No one could persuade the captain to leave the sinking ship. 💡Misol: Hech kim kapitanni cho'kayotgan kemani tark etishga ko'ndira olmadi. 🔰scarce - kam, siyrak. 🧠Meaning: hard to get rare. 🍀Ma'nosi: kamdan - kam, uchrashi qiyin. 🌀Example: Chairs which are older than one hundred years are scarce. b. Because there little little moisture in the dessert, trees are scarce. 💡Misol: Cho'lda namlik juda oz miqdorda bo'lishi tufayli, U yerda daraxtlar kam. 🔰massive - katta , ulkan. 🧠Meaning: extremely large or serious. 🍀Ma'nosi: juda katta yoki jiddiy. 🌀Example: The government put massive amounts of money into the health service. 💡Misol: Hukumat sog'liqni saqlash xizmatiga katta miqdorda mablag' ajratdi. 🔊chanel: 📌Kanalimizdan uzoqlashmang❗️ Bizning manzil: @Engl1sh_free
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📘 IELTS 4000 Academic Words 🔰Incredible [adj] - ajoyib, aqilga sig'maydigan, juda zo'r 🧠Meaning: difficult or impossible; good, great, or large. 🍀Ma'nosi: qiyin yoki imkonsiz; yaxshi, ulkan yoki katta. 🌀Example: The design and effort put into this artwork is incredible. 💡Misol: Ushu san'at asarining dizayni va harakatlari aqil bovar qilmas darjada. 🔰Equality [noun] - tenglik, teng huquqlilik. 🧠Meaning: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. 🍀Ma'nosi: tenglik holati,ayniqsa maqomi, huquqlari yoki imkoniyatlari. 🌀Example: International Women's Day is celebrated to promote gender equality. 💡Misol: Xalqaro Xotin-qizlar Kuni gender tengligini targ'ib qilish uchun nishonlanadi. 🔰Occupation [adverb] - kasb, hunar 🧠Meaning: a job 🍀Ma'nosi: ish 🌀Example: Her occupation is an office manager. 💡Misol: Uning kasbi ofis menejeri. 🔰Resolution [noun] - ruhsat , qaror 🧠Meaning: a promise about making a serious effort to do something. 🍀Ma'nosi: biror narsa qilishga jiddiy hakat qilishga va'da berish. 🌀 Example: I made a resolution to study English harder this year. 💡Misol: Men bu yili Ingliz tilini yaxshiroq o'rganishga qaror qildim. 🔰Unfortunately [noun] - baxtga qarshi. 🧠Meaning: used for saying that something is sad. 🍀Ma'nosi: biror narsada hafa bo'lishni ifodalashda uchun ishlatiladi. 🌀 Example: Unfortunately, he can't make it today because he's sick. 💡Misol: Baxtga qarshi, U buni qilolmaydi bugun, chunki u kasal. 📌Kanalimizdan uzoqlashmang❗️ @Engl1sh_free 👈Improve your dictionary with easy way🖇
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🍃🌸🍃 🌸Ўзингизни ёлғиз ҳис қилсангиз, Роббимнинг зикри билан машғул булинг! #Dars
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🍃🌸🍃 🌸Ўзингизни ёлғиз ҳис қилсангиз, Роббимнинг зикри билан машғул булинг! #Dars