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🎙Bugun sizlarga negativ mano beruvchi sifat yasovchi old qoʻshimchalar haqida maʼlumot beramiz. ✈️ Un- Fair - unfair (adolatsiz) ✈️ In- Dependent - independent (mustaqil) ✈️ Ir- Responsible - irresponsible (masʼuliyatsiz) ✈️Il- Legal - illegal (noqonuniy) ✈️ Dis- Agree - disagree (norozi) ✈️ Im- Patient - impatient (besabr) 🇺🇸​​​​@inglizenglish
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👍 9👏 4🔥 1🫡 1💘 1
#Vocabulary ➡️"Spring" so'zi qatnashgan iboralar Spring so'zining "bahor" ma'nosidan tashqari, sakrash va jo'shqinlikni bildiruvchi ma'nosi mavjud. Quyidagi barcha iboralarda spring so'zi ikkinchi ma'nosida kelgan. 🌿 To spring into action - To quickly jump into doing something (darhol harakatga o'tish) They sprang into action as soon as they received their orders. - Ular buyurtma olishlari bilanoq harakatga kirishdilar. 🌿 A spring in your step - When you’re very happy, you might walk with a bit of a happy bounce (quvonchdan sakrash) There's been a definite spring in his step ever since he met Joanna. - Joanna bilan uchrashganidan beri baxtdan sakrab yuribdi. 🌿 To spring to life — to suddenly become very active or busy (hayot qaynay boshlamoq; jonlanmoq) After about eight o'clock the city springs to life. - Tahminan soat sakkizdan keyin shahar jonlanadi. 🌿 To spring a leak — to start to leak; to suddenly let water in or out through a crack or break (kutilmagan yoriq tufayli suv sizib chiqishi) The pipe suddenly sprung a leak. - Kutilmaganda quvurdan suv sizib chiqa boshladi. 🇺🇸​​​​​@inglizenglish
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👍 7
🇺🇿O‘zbek media segmentidagi foydali ilmiy-marifiy suhbatlarni audio shaklda ishda, o‘qishda, yo‘lda eshitish uchun 🎧 O‘zbekcha podcsat Telegram kanalini tavsiya qilamiz!
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O‘zbekcha podcast

Assalomu aleykum! Ushbu kanalda o‘zbek tilidagi ilmiy-marifiy suhbat va intervyularing audio shaklidan bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin. 🎧 O'zbekcha podcast

#Vocabulary Suhbat uchun kerakli iboralar Are you OK? — Hammasi joyidami? Are you still here? — Hali ham shu yerdamisiz? Attention! — Diqqat! Don’t be late, please! — Iltimos kechikmang! Don’t bother me! — Xalaqit bermang! Don’t mind it, please! — E'tibor bermang, iltimos! Exactly so! — Aniq shunaqa! Farewell! — Alvido! Give me a chance. — Imkon bering. You are right! — Siz haqsiz. I’m sorry, I can’t! — Kechirasiz, bajaraolmayman. It can hardly be so. — Ishonish qiyin. It doesn’t matter. — Farqi yo'q. It was an accident. — Bu tasodifan sodir bo'ldi. It’s early (yet). — Hali erta! Maybe. — Balki. Never mind. — Hechqisi yo'q. No way! — Iloji yo'q! No, thanks! — Yo'q, rahmat. Not a bit! — Umid ham qilmang! One minute, please! — Iltimos, bir daqiqa. See you! — Ko'rishguncha. See you soon! — Tez orada ko'rishguncha! What a good chance! — Omadni qara! ​​​​​🇺🇸 ️@inglizenglish
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7👍 3👏 2
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at ✔️ Topic: Relationships Make friends — do’st orttirmoq Casual acquaintances — odatdagi tanish bilishlar Frienemy — do’st qiyofasidagi dushman Close friends — yaqin do’stlar Love at first sight — bir ko’rishda sevib qolmoq Fall in love with ... — … bilan sevishmoq Significant other — muhim bir inson (wife/husband; boyfriend/girlfriend) Soul mate — qalliq, sevgilisi Have feelings for — kimnidir yoqtirmoq The feeling is not mutual — tuyg’u ikki tomonlama emas He’s/she’s just not my type — u menga to’g’ri kelmas ekan Unrequited love — javobsiz sevgi Childhood sweetheart — bolalikdagi sevgilisi Mutual friend — ikki tomonlama do’st Make a commitment — turmush qurishga qaror qilmoq Propose to the woman — ayolni qo’lini so’ramoq 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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👍 9 3🔥 1
⭐️ Vocabulary time 🕰️ 💫 As bold as brass- o'ziga ishongan; Ex: Mark is as bold as brass. He never fails his interviews and exams. 💫 A fuddy-duddy - yangi narsalarni sinab ko'rishni yoqtirmaydigan kishi; Ex: Liza does not want to quit her job and find another one. I guess she is just a fuddy-duddy. 💫 The salt of the Earth- mehribon inson; Ex: Look at the way how she treats dogs! She is definitely the salt of the Earth. 💫 To be immaculately groomed - modaparast( zo’r kiyingan inson); Ex: Sandra is always immaculately groomed for the parties. 💫 A highflier- Iqtidorli odam; Ex: Robin is a highflier. He can manage well in arts, music and video editing. 💫 A top of the line- eng yaxshi sifatga ega bo'lish; Ex: The Italian food in our local cafe is a top line. 💫 Cheap and nasty- arzon, ammo past sifatli; Ex: If you want to buy clothes from that store, keep in mind that it is cheap and nasty. 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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🥰 5👍 1 1🔥 1
🗒 Get ahead va get along:get ahead - muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq ➖ to be successful and do better than other people in a job or work ➖ She soon found that it wasn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business. ➖ U shuni tushunib yetdiki kino biznesida muvaffaqiyatga erishish oson emas.get along - do'stona munosabatda bo'lmoq ➖ if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship ➖ We’ve always got along quite well. ➖ Biz doyim do'stona munosabatda bo'lganmiz. 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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👍 7
#Kinoparcha ⌛ Ko'ring va so'zlarning talaffuziga e'tibor bering 🎬 Ingliz tilida eng yaxshi filmlardan parcha 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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👍 16🔥 4🆒 2🤷 2😍 1
So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at ✔️ Topic: Appearance (davomi) Dressed to kill — daxshat kiyingan Dressed up to nines — bejirim, skromniy kiyingan, yarashgan Down at heel — juldur, yomon ahvolda Have a face that only mother could love — juda ham xunuk Have a face like a bulldog chewing a whasp — juda ham xunuk Have a face that would stop a clock — juda ham xunuk Look a side — yaxshi ko’rinmoq Look like a million dollars — zo’r ko’rinmoq Mutton dressed as lamb — yoshiga mos kiyinmaslik Pretty as a picture — juda ham chiroyli All skin and bone — juda ham ozg’in Skin on the top — tepa kal Vertically challenged — juda ham bo’yi past 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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👍 15🔥 1😍 1
#cartoon ➡️Ingliz tilini MUZYURAK bilan o'rganing 🇺🇸@inglizenglish
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👍 9 1🔥 1👌 1😍 1