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Patriot Front Sightings

News and commentary of Patriot Front's actions, and outreach. Posts may contain sentiments not endorsed by the organization. Patriot Front Website: Updates: Videos:

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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front promotional material spotted in the following locations: ⭐️ Birmingham, Alabama, Network 6 ⭐️ Missouri, Network 12 ⭐️ Springfield, Missouri, Network 12 ⭐️ Chattanooga, Tennessee, Network 6
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front promotional material spotted in the following locations: ⭐️ Escondido, California, Network 14 ⭐️ Garrettsville, Ohio, Network 16 ⭐️ Birmingham, Alabama, Network 6 ⭐️ Albany, New York, Network 10
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The Chevron flag of Patriot Front was shared on Gym XIV's channel. The post was accompanied by the following quote regarding the 'fasces' and its symbolic meaning: "From this perspective, I see the fasces as a “universal gang sign.” It symbolizes, better than any other symbol I can think of, the moment when men tie their fates together and align themselves against nature, against other men, against the world. The fasces depicts the genesis of “us,” of “our team,” of “our culture,” of “our honor”–the formation of a collective identity. It symbolizes then moment when the war of all against all becomes a war of men against men, of “us” against “them.” The fasces symbolizes the moment when men create order from chaos." 🏹 Gym XIV’s original post 🇺🇸 Patriot Front's Educational Material on the Fasces
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@PatriotFrontSightings » During Patriot Front’s European tour, PF activists trained with members of Active Club Norway at Østmarka National Park.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » A Patriot Front mural was discussed in Local 3 News, Chattanooga. The news outlet interviewed Jeff Tischauser, a representative of the SPLC, to provide some background on Patriot Front. Tischauser regurgitated talking points that are typical of the long-discredited group. During the interview, he displayed a quote by Harvey Milk, a well-known Jewish gay-rights activist and pedophile. A black community activist was also interviewed by Local 3 News. She believed the mural had the potential to be "a point of curiosity" for the "white male young population." She also disputed the contents of Patriot Front's "Reclaim America" mural by suggesting that this continent belongs to “indigenous people” and that American economics would not exist without "chattel slaves."
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front recently covered up a “Free Palestine” mural in 90% black Highland Park, Michigan. Fox 2 Detroit and WXYZ Detroit spoke to residents, who believed the phrase “America First” to be "racist." The barely-literate Highland Park mayor had this to say on the matter: "Being persecuted already as a Black person is hard enough, but to do it on property that belongs to a Black community in a racist way - it baffles me." Despite the water tower being a point of local pride all of the sudden, the water plant has been "shut down for years." Presumably, "racism" is not the reason for the local community's civic dysfunction, as Mayor Glenda McDonald presides over the very bureaucratic dispute that has turned the city's water tower into a mere billboard. McDonald has been subject to a motivated campaign for her recall from the office. While it is unknown who placed the original messages on the tower, PF's local Network 15 often reports its back-and-forths with anarchist graffiti. The conditions of the region make PF's messaging all the more poignant. The organization's stance, reiterated countless times and unaltered since PF's founding, is that no cause but that of the nation should compel its people or dominate its landscape. The simple stencil exposes the hypocrisy of the media and the anti-American hatred within such figures as the town's extranational mayor, whose third world sensibilities were not perturbed by the pro-Palestinian messaging. The patriotic news publication American Greatness has also chimed in on the matter. The publication confidently asserted that “The concept of America First is by no means a racist ideal. It is rooted in the principle of tending to our own affairs first rather than becoming entangled in conflicts that have nothing to do with the American people.” While the notion of "racism" is amorphous, the origins of the slogan America First — as explained in PF's recent appearance on the PBD podcast — are firmly rooted in concepts of race and nationality aligned with PF, and not against it.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Thomas Rousseau's appearance on the Patrick Bet-David Podcast has been positively received by over 400,000 viewers on YouTube. With over 16,000 comments, the overwhelming consensus of the audience seems to be a clear call for support of Patriot Front, Rousseau, and nationalism itself. This decisive show of support comes after the highly questionable coincidence of many accounts vocally supportive of PF on X being suspended just minutes before the interview went live. The resonance of PF's nationalism with such a broad audience is an example of the viability of patriotic politics on a large scale, and a stinging indictment of the conservative movement's failures to address the true concepts of race and nationality in American history. Many comments describe Rousseau's rebuke of Bet-David's rhetoric, which was perceived by many as biased and out of character for the Iranian commentator. Despite the relentless accusations and attempted psychoanalytical tactics of Bet-David, the conversation remained civil and articulate, proving the positive character of the organization. This interview seems to mark another sturdy nail in the coffin of the conservative establishment's astroturfed "fed-jacketing" campaign. ⭐️ Watch The Interview.
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A ban wave of Patriot Front activists took place earlier this morning on X. This took place before Thomas Rousseau was featured on the PBD podcast this morning. The ban wave seems to have been sweeping and coordinated.
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Repost from Patriot Front
@PatriotFrontVideos » Patriot Front's leader and founder interviewed by conservative commentator and Iranian migrant Patrick Bet-David. The contentious interview covers topics of race, naturalization, foreign wars, the astroturfed fed myth, and Patriot Front's assertion of who and what an American is. 🏹 Watch the full video on YouTube here.
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Patriot Front was briefly mentioned in an NBC News article, where the media outlet attempted to link the organization to "terror threats" issued by the FBI and DHS. These "terror threats" are supposedly related to the upcoming "pride month" in June. Due to Patriot Front's nonviolent and peaceful approach to activism, pundits and journalists are forced to resort to vague insinuations of "violent extremism" or "terrorism." An NYPD spokesperson was quoted in the article, discussing the extensive resources used every year to ensure the safety of attendees at these pride parades. Similar measures are likely taken in cities across America. What is striking is that state and local governments often appear to be more generous in ensuring the safety of these attendees than helping the residents of states affected by natural disasters. Last year, Tulsa experienced blackouts and windstorms, but city officials were more focused on organizing and preparing for one of these parades. Once again, the people of Oklahoma were affected by a tornado this year, and neither the state nor federal government can be bothered to assist them. Nonetheless, Patriot Front was there and will continue to be there whenever the people of this nation have no one coming to their aid. 🏹 Full Article
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front stencil reading "America First" sighted in Detroit, Michigan. The patriotic message has replaced "free Palestine" written around the prominent water tower. PF has made public statements denouncing any support for the foreign movements — Arab or Israeli — that have parasitized America. 🏹 See the original post
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@PatriotFrontSightings » An article published by DC News Now about Patriot Front's march in Charleston, West Virginia clarified that Patriot Front did not, in fact, need a permit in order to walk on sidewalks. The article, though supposedly about the legality of Patriot Front's demonstration, ends up devolving into yet another diatribe of slanders from the SPLC and banal platitudes from local politicians. Interestingly, the Chairman of the West Virginia GOP, Matt Herridge, felt especially compelled to disavow Patriot Front's demonstration, stating, "Groups that promote hate and bigotry are disgusting and un-American. I am unfamiliar with the group witnessed in Charleston last week, but condemn their divisive actions." If Mr. Herridge is unfamiliar with Patriot Front's ideals and rhetoric, why does he feel so compelled to condemn something he does not fully understand? As per usual, an honest examination about whose ideals are more greatly represented in American history will leave PF's detractors more befitting of the title of 'un-American.' 🏹 Full Article
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@PatriotFrontSightings » An Instagram post shared by Denver Communists featured Patriot Front in its poorly made graphics advertising a "study group." The caption of the post included an article, referencing PF, titled "What Is Fascism? Strategy and Tactics in the Struggle Against the Far Right." The Denver communists will be hosting these meetings via zoom May 19th, May 26th, and June 2nd. 🏹 Article 🔗 Zoom Link
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front discussed in an article by the Marxist NGO money-pit "Global Project Against Hate and Extremism." The article correctly assesses the growth of what it calls the "far right," yet fails utterly to interact with the truth regarding Patriot Front. Myths about Charlottesville are peddled as the GPAHE uses weasel words to describe Fields as an "associate" any group, with aim of slandering PF by proxy. Likewise, the anonymous author of the article references "violence" again and again yet declines to describe or detain exactly how PF has any violent inclinations whatsoever. "The presence of so many far-right extremists from around the world shows that this movement continues to grow and network across borders." 🏹 See the full article.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » A blog post Published by Throne Dynamics gave an in depth analysis of Patriot Front, acknowledging PF’s proficiencies in leadership, mobilization abilities, propaganda, and international outreach. The author praises PF’s mobilization abilities and discipline, stating, “Organizing men is difficult at best. Organization of fighting age males into a public resistance movement that consistently and competently stops short of violent action is a extreme marker of severe professional leadership. Channeling of the inherent passions of young men into physical fitness, hikes, and nationalist fight clubs is demonstrably a key component of their continuous discipline.” The author also dispels the common “fed” accusations surrounding PF by stating, “The effort, consistency, and organization required for management and direction of hundreds upon hundreds of fighting age males across a three-thousand mile expanse of contested national terrain, without deviation from propaganda consistency or failure in kinetic restraint, accompanied by spread to foreign nation-states, is outside the scope of both US Federal competence or remit at this stage.” ⭐️ Full Article
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front discussed by the Marxist YouTube pundit "Second Thought." In spite of the accurate analysis making note of PF's outsized popularity, direct messaging, influence, and Americana, the speaker fails to discern the cultural and ideological differences between the organization and the various conservative or militia movements on display at the end of the clip. Likewise, the term "fascist" itself is thrown around with more aim to discredit than to describe. ⭐️ See the real reason behind the organization's use of the fasces here. ⭐️ See how PF differs from the conservative movement here.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front representatives visited Der Dritte Weg (The Third Way) in Württemberg, Germany. From their press release: "At the beginning of May, the Württemberg base of our party and movement 'The III. Way' welcome guests from the 'Patriot Front' (PF). During the stay, numerous sights in our homeland were visited, introduced and explained to the guests." "At the beginning of the guest performance, German soldiers' graves were visited. The trip also led to numerous sites of the Württemberg nobility. Among other things, Lichtenstein Castle and the Old Castle in Stuttgart were visited and presented to the guests." "The 'Patriot Front' was founded in 2017 and continues to stage well-organized, disciplined and sensational marches in various major cities in the United States." See the full release here, alongside links to Thomas Rousseau's 2021 interview with the German nationalist organization.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » The article, titled "Who is the Patriot Front? Are they feds? Racists? Deep dive into the mysterious masked right-wing group," was recently published by Revolver News. It meanders through the history of the group, likely sourced from Wikipedia or the ADL. The author subtly questions the "fed" narrative surrounding Patriot Front but ultimately resorts to speculating about "infiltration." This tendency is common among conservative pundits who attempt to maintain an appearance of good faith and open-mindedness, while being driven by the same discrediting impulse that plagues those peddling naked slander. The author also insinuates that Patriot Front's demonstrations occur with "perfect timing" as if they are meant to be a distraction from the myriad of chaotic events taking place in America. Even though PF is always marching, and there's always a 'current thing' to be distracted from. Another falsehood is that Patriot Front's manifesto was written in 2022, when it was written in 2017. Additionally, the author suggests that Patriot Front exists to make the MAGA movement look bad. In reality, Patriot Front bears few similarities to that movement. Many in the MAGA crowd do not need any help making themselves look bad by continually advocating for unlimited immigration so long as it's 'legal.' Lastly, the author claims that Patriot Front did not receive attention from national media until 2020, coinciding with the dismantling of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. In truth, Patriot Front has always garnered media coverage, and the increase in national media coverage can be attributed to their intent to condemn and shame Americans into not embracing Patriot Front's ideals. To the author's credit, he does concede that Patriot Front is likely a legitimate organization and acknowledges that it is "understandable why some young white men might feel particularly targeted" in today's society. 🏹 Comments are open on the article for viewer input.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 Patriot Front activists sighted in Paris at a large nationalist march held in honor of the victims of anarchist assassinations. The march originally commemorated the death of Sébastien Deyzieu, a French patriot who died at a 1994 rally as a result of opposition, but has become a much larger affair as many nationalists from a broad selection of European nations join in the demonstration to honor the fallen brothers of their own nation's causes. This year's manifestation gathered some 800 nationalists. PF's representatives are present at the march in support of the committee which organizes the event (C9M), and some can be seen at the front of the column documenting the action. One patriotic videographer is accosted by an African woman who seems frustrated by her loud mouth's inability to suppress the display of national identity. The video has almost three million views as of this writing. A journalist viewing the march says, "The connections between the French Active Clubs and the fascists of the Patriot Front are known, but it is still incredible that the French press does not mention their presence in the C9M, because this white supremacist group is one of the most dangerous in the United States." The journalist fails to detail how exactly the organization is dangerous, as is the norm in America. In spite of the same slanders in a different country, activists will continue to build bonds and gather wisdom from the nationalist movements of Europe. 🏹 See the original post.
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@PatriotFrontSightings » 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 Patriot Front activists sighted in Paris at a large nationalist march held in honor of the victims of anarchist assassinations. The march originally commemorated the death of Sébastien Deyzieu, a French patriot who died at a 1994 rally as a result of opposition, but has become a much larger affair as many nationalists from a broad selection of European nations join in the demonstration to honor the fallen brothers of their own nation's causes. This year's manifestation gathered some 800 nationalists. PF's representatives are present at the march in support of the committee which organizes the event (C9M), and can be seen at the front of the column documenting the action. One patriotic videographer is accosted by an African woman who seems frustrated by her loud mouth's inability to suppress the display of national identity. The video has almost three million views as of this writing. A journalist viewing the march says, "The connections between the French Active Clubs and the fascists of the Patriot Front are known, but it is still incredible that the French press does not mention their presence in the C9M, because this white supremacist group is one of the most dangerous in the United States." The journalist fails to detail how exactly the organization is dangerous, as is the norm in America. In spite of the same slanders in a different country, activists will continue to build bonds and gather wisdom from the nationalist movements of Europe. 🏹 See the original post.
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