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Some people aren't loyal to you. They are loyal to their need of you. Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.
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Truth is not just a concept; it is a vibration that resonates throughout our being. When we encounter truth, whether spoken words, authentic actions, or genuine intentions, we don't just hear it with our ears; we feel it with every fiber of our being. This deep resonance is what connects us to the essence of truth and allows us to discern its presence amidst the noise of life. To truly perceive the truth in its heart requires more than just intellectual understanding; it requires conscious awareness and attunement to our innermost selves. It's about listening not only to the words that are said but also to the subtle signals of our intuition, gut instincts and emotional responses. When we operate from a place of conscious awareness, free from the influence of our ego and emotions, we become attuned to the frequency of truth that reverberates within us. Our instincts and intuition serve as an internal guidance system, offering insights and discernment that go beyond logical reasoning. They act as antennas, picking up the vibrations of truth and alerting us to its presence or absence. When we listen to these inner signals and trust our intuitive knowing, we are able to navigate life with greater clarity and authenticity. Operating from a place of mindful awareness means being present in the moment and attuned to the subtle nuances of our experiences. It forces us to let go of the distractions of the past and future, as well as the chatter of our ego and emotions, so that we can fully tune into the truth that is revealing itself in the present moment. When we operate from our ego, we are often clouded by prejudices, fears and desires that distort our perception of reality. Our egos seek validation, control, and self-preservation, often at the expense of truth and authenticity. Likewise, when we are driven by our emotions, we can be influenced by temporary fluctuations in mood or impulse, which lead us astray from the truth. However, when we transcend the limitations of our ego and emotions and operate from a place of conscious awareness, we become conduits for truth to flow within us. We can discern truth from falsehood, authenticity from fiction, and integrity from deception. This heightened awareness allows us to navigate life with greater discernment, wisdom, and integrity. In essence, truth is not something that can be grasped solely through the intellect; it must be felt and experienced with our whole being. It forces us to cultivate awareness and harmony with our most intimate self so that we can distinguish its presence in the noise of life. When we operate from this place of deep inner knowing, we are able to align with the frequency of truth and live our lives with authenticity, integrity, and purpose.
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Truth vibrates at a specific frequency you don't only hear it but you also feel it
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"Time is most wise, because it reveals everything" Thales of Miletus
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This cautionary statement underscores the importance of discretion when sharing personal struggles. It highlights a sad reality: not everyone in our social circle genuinely cares about our well-being, and some may even take pleasure in our misfortunes. The 80% who purportedly don't care might include acquaintances, casual friends, or individuals who are simply too preoccupied with their own lives to empathize with others' problems. Sharing intimate details with these individuals could lead to disappointment or a lack of support, potentially exacerbating feelings of isolation. Meanwhile, the 20% who might revel in our difficulties may harbor jealousy, resentment, or schadenfreude. Revealing vulnerabilities to them could inadvertently invite judgment, gossip, or even exploitation. This adage emphasizes the importance of discernment and trust in our relationships. It encourages us to cultivate genuine connections with those who demonstrate empathy, compassion, and sincerity. These are the individuals who will offer a listening ear, provide meaningful support, and stand by us during our darkest moments. Ultimately, while it's important to seek support and share burdens, it's equally crucial to choose our confidants wisely. By doing so, we can foster deeper, more meaningful connections and navigate life's challenges with a reliable support system by our side.
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Never tell your problems to everyone. 80% don't care and the other 20% are glad you have them. -------- Non raccontare mai a tutti i tuoi problemi. All'80% non importa e l'altro 20% è contento di averli.
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This cautionary statement underscores the importance of discretion when sharing personal struggles. It highlights a sad reality: not everyone in our social circle genuinely cares about our well-being, and some may even take pleasure in our misfortunes. The 80% who purportedly don't care might include acquaintances, casual friends, or individuals who are simply too preoccupied with their own lives to empathize with others' problems. Sharing intimate details with these individuals could lead to disappointment or a lack of support, potentially exacerbating feelings of isolation. Meanwhile, the 20% who might revel in our difficulties may harbor jealousy, resentment, or schadenfreude. Revealing vulnerabilities to them could inadvertently invite judgment, gossip, or even exploitation. This adage emphasizes the importance of discernment and trust in our relationships. It encourages us to cultivate genuine connections with those who demonstrate empathy, compassion, and sincerity. These are the individuals who will offer a listening ear, provide meaningful support, and stand by us during our darkest moments. Ultimately, while it's important to seek support and share burdens, it's equally crucial to choose our confidants wisely. By doing so, we can foster deeper, more meaningful connections and navigate life's challenges with a reliable support system by our side.
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Never tell your problems to everyone. 80% don't care and the other 120% are glad you have them.
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Description Power vs. Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Author’s Official Authoritative Edition Awaited for twenty years, the publication of Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., reveals to the general public secret information heretofore only shared by the author with certain Nobelists and world leaders. Analyzing the basic nature of human thought and consciousness itself, the author makes available to everyone the key to penetrating the last barrier to the advancement of civilization and science and resolving the most crucial of all human dilemmas: how to instantly determine the truth or falsehood of any statement or supposed fact. This author’s boyhood spiritual experience of the “Infinite Presence” has directed his life’s work as a healing psychiatrist, a healing that transcends his patients’ physical world. Dr. Hawkins’s basic thesis focuses on the “Ultimate Presence” – the source from which individuals can reach their highest potential. He uses theoretical concepts from particle physics, nonlinear dynamics, and chaos theory to support his study of human behavior. On the referenced Scale of the Levels of Consciousness, which calibrates the levels of Truth from 1 to 1,000, Power vs. Force calibrates at 850. The book is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 describes the process of moving toward one’s ultimate potential. Dr. Hawkins then discusses his theory by explaining the progression from negative energy fields or attractors to positive attractors, which ultimately lead to pure consciousness. Based on 20 years of research, he has developed an intriguing Map of Consciousness that, in essence, charts one’s spiritual growth. The map outlines a listing of attitudes and emotions with corresponding calibrated numerical values. Feelings such as blame, anxiety, and hate fall into negative energy attractor fields; affirmation, trust, and optimism are examples of positive attractors that are life enhancing and ultimately lead to pure consciousness. By applying principles from kinesiology and acupuncture, the author explains the association between positive attractor fields and one’s health, well-being and creativity. Part 2 presents an extensive listing of adjectives that connote power-versus-force patterns of human attitudes. It provides a basis for examining the quality of human interactions and relationships in various life endeavors, e.g., the marketplace, sports, the arts, health, and wellness. Part 3 focuses on the evolution and current state of man’s consciousness, which Hawkins suggests is at the threshold of power after centuries of force. He posits that an individual’s power and level of consciousness can be enhanced through greater integrity, understanding, and compassion. Readers will find themselves challenging methodology or various suppositions and being intrigued by others as the author relates the world of spirituality to the hidden dimensions of human behavior. (Reviewed by Elizabeth Hughes, RN, PhD, former dean of Georgetown University’s School of Nursing. She is a consultant in health education in the Baltimore/Washington DC area.) From the Author of Power vs. Force: “All human endeavors have the common goal of understanding or influencing human experience. To this end, man has developed numerous descriptive and analytical disciplines: Morality, Philosophy, Psychology, and so on. Regardless of what branch of inquiry one starts from—philosophy, political theory, theology—all avenues of investigation eventually converge at a common meeting point: the quest for an organized understanding of the nature of pure consciousness. To explain that which is simple can be difficult indeed. Much of this book is devoted to the process of making the simple obvious. If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the universe and life itself.”
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