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English Grammar Vocabulary ™

English notes for SSC,BANK, RAILWAY, IELTS and OTHER EXAM. Instagram : Admin : @Contactadmin123bot

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#DAILY_VOCABULARY 1.Woo (V)-seek the favour, support, or custom of. समर्थन माँगना 2.Wont (N)-one's customary behaviour. अभ्यस्त 3.Inimitable (Adj)-so excellent as to be beyond or above comparison. जिसका अनुकरण नहीं किया जा सकता 4.Gamut (N)-the complete range of things of a particular type. सारे पहलू 5.Exhortations (N)-an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something. प्रबोधन, प्रोत्साहन, संबोधन 6.Tick All The Right Boxes (Phrase)-To meet or fit the criteria or expectations. 7.Hamstrung (Adj)-In a difficult situation. 8.Debilitating (Adj)-tending to weaken something. दुर्बल 9.Looking Up (Phrasal Verb)-to become better. 10.Crave (V)-to desire intensely. चाहना 11.Mixed Bag (N)-one having both positive and negative qualities or aspects. 12.Snub (N)-an act of ignoring or refusing to acknowledge someone. 13.Played Into (Phrasal Verb)-to help support (something, such as an idea) 14.Rifts (N)-a serious break in friendly relations. दरार 15.Pushback (N)-a negative or unfavourable reaction or response. 16.At Odds (Phrase)-in conflict or at variance.
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👍 2 2
#DAILY_VOCABULARY 1.Cling On To (Phrasal Verb)-to be unwilling to lose something or try very hard to keep something. 2.Mounting (Adj)-increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses worry. बढ़ता हुआ 3.Crackdown (N)-a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour. कार्रवाई 4.Dictator (N)-a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. तानाशाह 5.Crack Down (Phrasal Verb)-to take strong action to stop something. कड़ी कार्यवाही करना 6.Coercive (Adj)-relating to or using force or threats. बलपूर्वक, अनिवार्य 7.Rigged (Adj)-to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result. 8.Thrown Their Weight (Phrase)-To use one's influence or power to support or promote someone or something. 9.Beleaguered (Adj)-experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties. परेशान 10.Tide Over (Phrasal Verb)-to help somebody during a difficult period by providing what they need. 11.Woes (N)-great sorrow or distress. संकट 12.Die Down (Phrasal Verb)- to gradually become less strong. 13.Wreak Havoc (Idiom)-to cause a lot of damage or problems. 14.Propping Up (Phrasal Verb)-to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone). 15. Daunting (Adj)-seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating. कठिन, चुनौतीपूर्ण 16..Quest (N)-a long or arduous search for something. खोज 17.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका 18.Laudable (Adj)-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation. प्रशंसनीय 19.Paucity (N)-the condition of having very little or not enough of something. कमी 20.Stringent (Adj)-(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. सख्त 21.Blunted (V)-weaken or reduce the force of (something). 22.Anticipated (Adj)-regard as probable; expect or predict. पूर्वानुमानित
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👍 6
✍ 50 Important Idioms And Phrases Asked In SSC Exams. 1. At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion 2. Lose head – Panic  3. Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish 4. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you have no authority 5. Leave in the lurch – To desert someone 6. Cry over spilt milk – Cry over irreparable loss 7. Bad blood – Active enmity 8. Close shave – A narrow escape 9. Grease palms – To bribe someone 10. Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy 11. To cut teeth – To gain experience of something for the first time 12. Cut no ice – Had no influence 13. Close the book - Stop working on something 14. In fits and starts - Irregularly 15. Bird’s eye view – An overview  16. Run in the same groove – Clash with each other  17. Keep your head – Remain calm  18. Pull strings – Use personal influence 19. Pot luck dinner – Dinner where somebody brings something to eat 20. To hit below the belt – To attack unfairly  21. All at sea - Puzzled  22. Sought after – Wanted by many people because it’s of good quality or difficult to find/Pursued by  23. Build castle in the air - Daydreaming  24. On the spur of the moment – To act suddenly, without planning 25. To have something up one’s sleeve – To have a secret plan 26. A red letter day – An important or joyful occasion in one’s life 27. To explore every avenue – To try every opportunity  28. At one’s beck and call – Ready to follow orders/ To be dominated by someone  29. By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way  30. Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position  31. To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any worry 32. To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly  33. To bring to light – to reveal  34. At the eleventh hour – At the last possible moment  35. Go scot-free – To escape without punishment 36. To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief  37. To look down one’s nose – To regard with contempt  38. To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity  39. A white elephant – Costly and troublesome possession, with much use to its owner 40. To call spade a spade – To be frank 41. To fight tooth and nail – To fight heroically, in very determined way 42. Birds of same feather – Persons of same character 43. Take exception – To object over something  44. High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing 45. Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to other people/Very selfish  46. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly 47. An open book – Straight forward and honest dealings  48. Fall short – Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect  49. Heart to heart talk – Frank talk  50. Give the game away – Give out the secret(unintentionally)
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👍 16 7
Synonym Quiz: 6 DISPARITYAnonymous voting
  • Injustice
  • unlikeness
  • partiality
  • distortion
0 votes
Synonym Quiz: 8 LETHALAnonymous voting
  • Unlawful
  • deadly
  • sluggish
  • smooth
0 votes
Synonym Quiz: 9 SERENEAnonymous voting
  • Solemn
  • meek
  • delicate
  • calm
0 votes
Synonym Quiz: 7 BARBARIANAnonymous voting
  • Arrogant
  • impolite
  • uncivilised
  • unkind
0 votes
Synonym Quiz: 10 GRUESOMEAnonymous voting
  • Hateful
  • painful
  • tragic
  • frightful
0 votes
👍 2
Synonym Quiz: 2 PLACIDAnonymous voting
  • Clear
  • calm
  • enjoyable
  • dull
0 votes
👍 3
Synonym Quiz: 3 COMMEMORATEAnonymous voting
  • Boast
  • remember
  • manipulate
  • harmonise
0 votes
👍 4